~ 35y old
Ganesh Khade
What new tab extension do you use?
4y, 17w
3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin
Blank page because it's instant.
🧐 Nrmn
I don't use new tabs
🗨️ Fui
I use this one: addons.mozilla.org... . Very useful as a markdown organizer on a new tab.
4y, 17w
Ganesh Khade
Any podcasts with great audio quality similar to Cautionary Tales by Tim Harford, Hidden Brain by Shankar Vedantam?
4y, 20w
1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin
The Peter Attia Drive, but is the audio quality an important factor for listening to certain podcasts?
4y, 19w
Ganesh Khade
What colorscheme do you use with your code editor, dark or a light one?
4y, 21w
10 replies
💻 Kernel
Light bad, dark good.
🤬 Foobar
Midnight Blue is my favorite
☝️ Jean-David Moisan
I made my own it's called AposTheme. Check it out: marketplace.visual... Every time I use a different editor, I remake the theme.
👨💻 Timo
One Dark or One Dark Pro and JetBrains Mono
🐧 Aditya
I let pywal do it's magic.
🧔 Justin
Brogrammer, because it's vibrant and I love contrast. I use the scheme everywhere
🔻 Trinity
xterm, except I set the foreground to amber (can't remember the hexcode off the top of my head) and the background to 000000h
🏛️ Brandon Pittman
Dark. Night Owl.
4y, 21w
Ganesh Khade
Javascript or Typescript?
4y, 21w
9 replies
🤘 Matt Pope
Elm :D
🤔 David
Although I don't do much with TS I'd guess that it's just easier to work with for larger projects due to the strong typing. I'm wanting to learn how to correctly migrate projects to it...svelte just released official support for TS so I may try migrating my blog (using sapper) to it
☕ Francesco
TypeScript, but without turning on "strict mode" from the start. Explore it and use it as the superset of JavaScript that it is and slowly opt in with its best features as you go.
🧿 Andrea
What is your best kept secret life hack? Mine: if you're feeling sick (high fever, food poisoning, etc) and don't drink coke regularly, a half litter of frizzy full sugar coke and a pan fried piece of bread (naan works well) will do you miracles
Ganesh Khade
Schedule a wifi router to automatically turn off it's wireless network at night, so that kids can go to sleep. Not a parent, but when I configured my uncle's router to do so, he was so damn happy.
4y, 21w
firefox: ublock origin, dark reader, bypass paywalls clean, vimium
Ganesh Khade
Have you tried Tridactyl?
4y, 22w
1 reply
🎣 Fish
after a while i just start moving them from my project folder to an other folder to hide my shame
Ganesh Khade
I too, have been there.
4y, 22w
1 reply
Ganesh Khade
What do you use for task management, personal and professional? How do you go about it? Would you walk me through the process?
4y, 22w
1 reply
☝️ Jean-David Moisan
I use a mix of a couple things. Discord, GitHub Issues / Projects, Google Calendar, Joplin. Discord is nice to organize tasks with other people. GitHub Issues allow you to write detailed notes about a problem. GitHub Projects gives you a Kanban board. Google Calendar lets you setup daily reminders and mark incoming events. Joplin lets you take raw notes and organize your thoughts.
4y, 22w
🎣 Fish
What different OS are people running? Always been intrigued by Linux as a forever windows user and im finally trying some out. Ive seen Tails, and Puppy Linux so far. Any recommendations?
Ganesh Khade
How about Elementary OS? I love it. It's light and fast.
4y, 22w
Ganesh Khade
What chrome extensions/firefox extensions do you use?
4y, 22w
9 replies
🤬 Foobar
ublock origin is all I need
🎣 Fish
chrome extensions on brave: gmail, nordvpn, nordpass
firefox: ublock origin, dark reader, bypass paywalls clean, vimium
🔻 Trinity
I have a number installed in Firefox, which is probably a bad habit: Wayback Machine, User Agent Switcher, Tampermonkey, ClearURLs, Hoxx VPN, WebRTC Leak Shield, uBlock Origin, Dark Reader, SponsorBlock, Lastpass, unPaywall, Downloader for Tiktok, MEGA, SingleFile, and Download Picture from Instagram. I do use all of them though. I have more but they're so numerous I couldn't go through them all in one comment.
💻 Kenneth Jensen
uBlock Origin and uMatrix, chromium. The WWW is much more pleasant. "Inspect element" is also underrated for fixing fonts or deleting pop-ups and notifications and e-stalking social media without an account (cough Instagram).
🧿 Andrea
I can recommend: Workona, Lastpass, Honey, Stylish (for a custom Jira dark mode I've made), JSON Formatter, Save to Pocket, uBlock Origin
🏒 Lucian Marin
On Firefox I have these: app.telemetry page speed monitor, multi-account containers, h264fy, max tabs, order tabs by domain. I use macOS Light theme which I created: addons.mozilla.org....
4y, 21w
Ganesh Khade
What tools do you use to protect your online privacy? I use dnscrypt-proxy, hosts file, firefox, Signal. Is mullvad the best vpn? I don't use any at the moment.
4y, 22w
🧔 Justin
Youtube is the only video content I watch these days. I'd probably be more productive if you took it away from me, too.
Ganesh Khade
getintention chrome extension
4y, 22w
🧉 Martin
No. When I say app, I mean web app. It's Preact + TypeScript, with Go on the backend.
Ganesh Khade
Oh. Got it. Do you mostly use Go, for your projects? Can it replace, a full fledged framework like Django, or Rails? I means for a solo developer without much overhead.
4y, 22w
1 reply
Ganesh Khade
hello fellow Americans, why is your food industry so devilish? Propagating lies. Mostly. It's coming to India too. But here, average people eat home-cooked meals. So, I think, it won't affect as much. Last but not the least, why don't you guys eat home-cooked meals? Although this might have changed in the current scenario.
4y, 22w
Ganesh Khade
Tea or Coffee?
4y, 22w
12 replies
❄️ Geoff
🦞 Lob Ster
Yes please! [?][?]
Always coffee.
Craig Bjs
🍁 John J.
Coffee. A ritual. Love them both. Grind the beans, by hand. Breathe in the bloom. Let the press linger. Divine.
☕ Bobby Bobak
🚴 Aditya
⌨️ Joseph
What operating systems are people using here? I have to use Windows 10 at work, but at home I've been rocking Fedora.
Ganesh Khade
Elementary OS, with i3wm.
4y, 22w