Bastard operator. Computer demon from hell by night. I used to break things. Collector. Telephone phreak.
Zero Edge Both somehow. But probably more fast than slow. Economy is sailing..
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen The economy (US) is slightly stalled with all of the shipping containers being stuck in port without having been unloaded. Many people are living on government assistance from the pandemic. Texas has more job openings than people on government assistance. The price of building materials is still through the roof. Farmers are still hurting from not as many people going out to eat. Hopefully, our economy will be stronger than it was pre-pandemic.
3y, 1w 1 reply
đŸ—ŋ Jonah I'm starting college in a few months. Does anyone here have advice for anything?
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Don't be afraid to change your major. Join a club or two, and talk to your professors; they're people, too!
··· 3y, 1w 1 reply
Vincent L. Too bad I don't have much to say. Subreply is cool.
Vincent L. Thanks for the suggestion, very nice of you :) Under Linux I'd actually be using Xmonad or StumpWM to have my screen /full/. When reading code, my mind-buffer is sometimes blurry, I need my screen to show me as much state as it can. Rant is over. There's not fighting against The Market. But I won't buy a Thinkpad until they have proper screens back :p Nay, Lenovo.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen There's a fair-sized market of used ThinkPads for this reason. Whoever put these big-ass bezels on a laptop then try to pass it off as the LVDS driver had ought to be stoned. Seriously unusable without a tiling window manager.
··· 3y, 17w 1 reply
Zero Edge Porn is a trap.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen I do my best to avoid THAT kind...
3y, 17w reply
👉 LÊo This is a question that a colleague asked me a couple years ago, and it just keeps coming back to me. If one becomes informed about the damage that our meat consumption is causing on the planet, does it become immoral for one to consume meat? Say, if you watch a couple documentaries on Netflix and continue consuming meat, does that make you a bad person? I don't really have an answer. I think about it every time I eat a burger.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen I know what the meat industry does. It ain't good, but it's all about making that bottom dollar. I do my best to pick out meat and produce that is organic. Ethically produced pork & beef is beautiful! Fuck chickens, though. Actually being around big livestock farms/auctions and seeing the way they live in pens, eating and shitting on themselves is horrible. Stress does not make good food. Know your meat!
··· 3y, 51w reply
🧐 Nrmn I was on a wayland setup before, using sway, but on another laptop. There I didn't have any issues with Chromium rendering but enough others (Chromium doesn't support Wayland for example, so it's running in XWayland, which breaks lots of things, especially screen sharing). I really liked the simplicity of Wayland compared to X but for now it is not yet supported widely enough. It might be some MESA problem though. I just checked GLXGears and the gears don't move. Thanks.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Cheers! What was the fix?
3y, 51w 1 reply
🧲 Arvin I have trouble talking to people for my side project. I build in a silo and I'm pretty good at the code stuff and I can be social with friends. But something about talking to customers makes my skin crawl and I don't want people to feel like I'm trying to take advantage of them or waste their time. Anyone have similar anxieties?
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Learning how to interface (in meatspace, online/cellular/telephone is meh) with customers is one of the most useful skills I learned in my time as a service technician, especially since most of the work in the latter years has been residential. I still can't sell for diddly squat.
3y, 52w reply
🧐 Nrmn Got strange graphic glitches in Chromium on my new laptop (Dell XPS 13, 10th gen i7, intel HD something graphics). Any ideas how to investigate? Got a normal Xorg setup, xf86-video-intel driver. DWM as window manager (no "desktop"). Everything else works fine, only chromium fails to redraw the window (without any errors in the terminal). Any ideas?
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Which OS are you on? Have you heard the good word of our lord and savior Wayland? Are any other applications doing this? Could it be an issue with mesa? Are you swapping heavily?
··· 3y, 52w 3 replies
🐧 Aditya Beej's guide is usually the goto resource for getting started. I've personally used it, and imo it's very well written.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Second for Beej's guide! Good reference, too.
đŸ§ŋ Andrea Not so fun bed mites fact: your bed pillow might be home to 40k microscopic bed mites that come out at night to feast on your skin residues. (chapter 23, A Short History of Nearly Everything). Let me know if you want another!
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Nice! Your skin has a lot of microbes including skin mites, too!
Zero Edge If a state were to secede from the union what would be the challenges they would face? Specifically Texas. 2nd highest GDP. Largest oil producer. Most farms of any other state. Abundance of land. Has one of the lowest amount of federal aid per resident (around $300 per resident)
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Fun fact, Texas has it's own state militia! Also, no state income tax; most counties make money on ~2.5% sales tax & property tax; I believe the state makes most (a lot?) of its money on corporate taxes... Anyways, I for one would welcome the return of the Republic, perhaps with its old annex New Mexico. Lots of room for farming, and NM steals all of Texas' water!
··· 4y, 1d reply
Vincent L. Reply to oneself would in fact allow for longer messages. The stringent limit on message length is likely supposed to funnel the threads in collections of chiseled, manageable arguments. Stating the obvious, maybe.
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen Great idea but there's one pitfall that I'd dislike to see. The most recent replies are on top... The secondary post would get stuck at the bottom, and may never be read until after people have replied already. It's sort of a subtle feature, too. It encourages linear discussion, which makes for nice threads that are simple to follow and easy on the eyes.
··· 4y, 4d reply
👂 Sly Feedback thread: The minimalist aspect of subreply is actually pretty good, but i think missing some features might make it hard for some to follow/start meaneanful conversation.| The first feature that comes to mind is multi-line support with [shift + enter].| The second one is an edit button or a way to reply on your own thread.| The third one is the highlight of new replies in the replies tab.| the fourth would be collapsible threads.| finally, 480 characters per reply is
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen I would like to see tags. Sort of like what hubski and do with set tags that are community-suggestable. Collapsible threads would be nice. I found this website while travelling and have only used it on mobile. It is clunky in some ways but works predictably. The format is perfect. It's so readable. Discussions are chains of paragraphs which brings me delight. No guidelines is awesome. It generates very interesting conversations; focus on the message! Meet people!
··· 4y, 4d reply
Ganesh Khade What chrome extensions/firefox extensions do you use?
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen uBlock Origin and uMatrix, chromium. The WWW is much more pleasant. "Inspect element" is also underrated for fixing fonts or deleting pop-ups and notifications and e-stalking social media without an account (cough Instagram).
4y, 4d reply
đŸ’Ē Joe Rate my emojis
đŸ’ģ Kenneth Jensen "Weird flex but ok"/10!
4y, 4d reply