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~ 37y old
Zero Edge Let me get this straight.. they tried to bankrupt the guy, put him in prison for life, remove his name from the ballot, and now kill him and you're telling me it's completely out of character for them to rig the most easily rigged election in history. Now I understand why pattern recognition is such a large part of iq tests.
🏒 Lucian Marin 18-24 year olds are stupid.
🐒 Rube Duben Who is "they", though? Genuinely asking
··· 2d reply
Zero Edge There is no scenario where you assassinate Trump and it doesn't immediately spiral into civil war. Maybe think of that next time you take the shot, especially considering one side has guns and the other side has multicolored dildos..
Zero Edge Apparently democracy according to democrats means imprisoning and killing your political opponents...
🏒 Lucian Marin It's year 5174. Brain researchers discover that neurons inside the brain work by quantum entanglement. A couple years later they develop a device that makes brain to brain communication possible. Now humans power a thinking network that's superior to AI, the quantum brain. Warriors who seek to destroy the technology move out to a nearby galaxy because communication is slowed down by the speed of light. A intergalactic war starts between AI, peaceful humans and the warriors. Peaceful humans continue to pursuit technological advancements to defend themselves from both AI and warriors.
Zero Edge Have a LLM write the script for you. :P
Zero Edge My stupid human superpower: I am pretty good at selecting the right time to microwave something for.
🐒 Rube Duben That's actually a quite useful skill ngl
Zero Edge Modern programmers = Make super complex applications with millions of lines of code. Still use a trash IDE that forces them to use "print" to debug...
Zero Edge Dont be clever in your coding. The only benchmark that matters is does it work and how long does it take for a person to understand it.
··· 6w 1 reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin My benchmark is to understand the code if I come back to change it later.
Zero Edge Unrealized cap gains tax.. lmao.. I can still only deduct $3k per year for losses tho right? Do I get to deduct unrealized losses then too? Whos writing the script?
··· 12w reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin Somewhere in between: mbas firing or making geeks quit their job.
Zero Edge Then after that: mbas trying to understand why they are slowly losing their audience.
Zero Edge You want crypto to be a thing? Go after businesses like Buttcoin did in the early days before rebranding to a "store if value". Businesses would love to accept a currency that doesn't take 3% of every transaction and isn't susceptible to friendly fraud. Now all you have to do is make deals with pos cc terminal, make a cc, and gain real world adoption. Might be too hard for the moon boys and vaporware salesmen to do considering it involves real work.
Zero Edge Wage gains mean nothing if the landlords extract all gains anytime the lower class gets raises. I also love how they completely price fix the market with those websites that tell you what to charge essentially ensuring that supply and demand doesn't dictate price. Even if you drastically increased supply. Large entities would buy the majority of the new inventory and further fix the prices. So much nobility in these "jobs" that's why we call them "lords".
··· 16w reply ¬
Zero Edge Modern company evolution = 1. geeks making things for geeks. 2. product becomes popular. 3. geeks making things for the masses. 4. mba's making things for the masses. 5. mbas sucking the company dry while pretending to be geeks.
🏒 Lucian Marin Somewhere in between: mbas firing or making geeks quit their job.
Zero Edge For a while now whenever I do a project around the house I try to think of if I could envision a humanoid robot performing this task. A lot of times the answer is no. The human body has trillions of "sensors" such as nerves etc, that help us perform tasks. Robots of today have very few in comparison. You would think a robot that is at "95%" is good but the reality is that last 5% is going to be much much harder to achieve than the 95% before it. I think we are a long long away from a truly functional humanoid robot the way we see in movies. I think for most use cases a specialized robot is better than a humanoid robot.
··· 20w 1 reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin Do we really need them? Even if we get humanoid robots, who will repair them? Will they repair themselves? What will be the cost? Will they be more cost effective than a human to eats and sleeps? Will they be able to communicate and create together like humans do?
Zero Edge How to become rich - Step 1: Become a politician.
🏒 Lucian Marin Act like a politician, don't become one. It's all political.
☕ David Antoine Looking directly at the sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase of a solar eclipse, when the moon entirely blocks the sun's apparent disk. You have to be careful not to look at the sun in any other circumstances. During a total solar eclipse maximum phase, you can even look at it with binoculars, it's incredible. But you have to be aware of the time and stop staring at it when the end of the total phase approaches. A "thin outline of a circle" burn would probably occur if you have the bad idea of looking at an annular eclipse during the max phase, with binoculars and no protection. Having eye burn damage suck. Zero uplift.
Zero Edge I've seen the total solar eclipse but had not thought of using a pair of binoculars. I might try that out if I can make it to the one we should be experiencing soon. I suppose you're right that the sun would be too blocked out to experience any burn of the retina during the total eclipse.
··· 21w 1 reply
Zero Edge If you stared straight at a total eclipse with no protection you might burn the retina of your eyes. The burn would not be the same kind of burn you would receive from staring straight at the sun (which would be a filled circle) but instead would be a thin outline of a circle. I wonder if a person with this type of burn would have differing psychological traits than others. I wonder if they would be able to visually focus on things better than others considering they have a boundary circle permanently within their vision. I wonder if it changed the culture of peoples of ancient times if they happened stare at a total eclipse...
🏒 Lucian Marin I stared multiple times at the sun. I don't think the burn is permanent.
☕ David Antoine Looking directly at the sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase of a solar eclipse, when the moon entirely blocks the sun's apparent disk. You have to be careful not to look at the sun in any other circumstances. During a total solar eclipse maximum phase, you can even look at it with binoculars, it's incredible. But you have to be aware of the time and stop staring at it when the end of the total phase approaches. A "thin outline of a circle" burn would probably occur if you have the bad idea of looking at an annular eclipse during the max phase, with binoculars and no protection. Having eye burn damage suck. Zero uplift.
··· 22w 2 replies