software engineer | privacy advocate | environmentalist
Ganesh Khade
What colorscheme do you use with your code editor, dark or a light one?
🤬 Foobar
Midnight Blue is my favorite
4y, 21w
🎲 James York
What are your plans for the weekend? Personally, I'm going to finish peer reviewing a paper, play taiko with my family, and play some Minecraft.
Ganesh Khade
What chrome extensions/firefox extensions do you use?
🥝 Mr
that makes sense, does the UI lack a button or am I blind?
Cole Hudson
That's pretty cool that you were using it so recently. The docs are like a window to the heady days of web 2.0; SOAP, CGI, etc
Cole Hudson
Aaron actually created his own framework webpy way back when, more likely than not his blog is running on it too. You can find the modern incarnation here:
🤬 Foobar
Any better ways of finding new posts on subreply besides going through ALL of the posts and replies in the search tab
4y, 22w
1 reply
🧿 Andrea
Is there any way to collapse replies? haven't found it
💩 Niklas
Which are your favorite personal blogs?
🤬 Foobar
I really like what has to say
4y, 22w
1 reply
Honestly I'd rather not have this take off. Basically all platforms/communities degrade massively as soon as they take off.
Chetan Vashisht
Guys, what's a good way to overcome addiction?
🌚 Nlggers
What? I said if someone were to say something provocative in my presence (something specifically offensive towards me) that I would not stop the flow of discussion as a result. That would be the opposite.
👉 Léo
Oh cool! But I actually disagree. We will eventually figure out fusion (hopefully within the next decade or so) but it is not necessary for the future of human civilization. The sun will be emiting plenty of energy for at least the next million of years. Fusion will become more important when we start getting ready to leave the solar system. So, what's your opinion?
🌚 Nlggers
Fine by me. If someone wishes to say "kike" in my presence I don't become emotional as a result or refrain from holding conversation with them.
🤬 Foobar
You don't have the same experiences and backgrounds as everyone in the world and so how you would react in a specific situation is irrelevant. Interesting that your whole presence on this platform is to 'fight' against censorship, yet you openly admit to being fine with preventing the flow of free speech and conversations.
4y, 22w
3 replies
So is this thing gonna take off or what?
📉 Bill
X1s are the best. I also have a mbp with butterfly switches but absolutely hate it after switching to thinkpads keyboard.