I want to be awesome
~ 30y old
👂 Sly The ARM race is very exciting but i don't think we should sacrifice upgradability for the sake of 2x times the speed. Computers are fast enough these days, ram speed is getting better, components are getting smaller, there's no point of having welled gardens anymore. We should be able to build laptops like we build desktops, that's how the future should be in my opinion.
Chetan Vashisht Couldn't agree more, we really don't need more speed. I'd happy with better customisation options.
3y, 43w 2 replies
Andreas Grzybowski what kind os music did yo hear when you go to develop?
Chetan Vashisht I like old English music. Anything from ABBA to Iron Maiden :)
3y, 44w 1 reply
Zero Edge If I had to pick one number to define who I am. I would pick two.
Nick S. It's made me reevaluate how strongly I desire social interaction. I live alone and have had minimal interaction for months and it's taken quite an unanticipated toll on my mental health. I'm also put face-to-face with the value in the work I do, finding it very hard to find the motivation to do something which, in the grand scheme of things, I don't really care about.
Chetan Vashisht I thought I was one of those introverts who would do perfectly fine by himself. Joining a new company at the beginning of the lockdown has shown me that screen time is possibly the worst way to have social interaction. I don't know anyone properly anymore. Feels really bad.
3y, 46w 1 reply
Chetan Vashisht How has corona changed your life?
Nick S. It's made me reevaluate how strongly I desire social interaction. I live alone and have had minimal interaction for months and it's taken quite an unanticipated toll on my mental health. I'm also put face-to-face with the value in the work I do, finding it very hard to find the motivation to do something which, in the grand scheme of things, I don't really care about.
🕴ī¸ Matthew Townsend I don't know how much it has. All the concerts and festivals we wanted to go to got cancelled, but we just had a baby so we weren't going to any of them anyway. Now we don't need an excuse to work from home, and haven't needed to find anyone to take care of the kid during the day.
3y, 44w reply
David Satime-Wallin Nerdiest sport-event is surely VIMbledon
Chetan Vashisht Vimgolf actually exists XD
3y, 50w 1 reply
👉 LÊo My hobby: finding words that fit to arbitrary rules for no reason. Examples: words that contain all five major vowels (evacuation), long words that have only one vowel multiple times (stronghold), words in which the singular form ends in S (species). I like to do that in Portuguese and English... I don't know, it's just fun.
Chetan Vashisht You should play scrabble!
3y, 50w 1 reply
Chetan Vashisht If your mac's internet stops working when you connect an external monitor, you can fix it by surrounding the connector with aluminium foil
3y, 51w reply ¬
🤔 David Just got to your request and the others! Now we just need to pick a book :) have any thoughts?
Chetan Vashisht Structure and Interpretation of Computer programs was a life changing book for me as a programmer. I hardly got 10% of this monster of a book but it still changed the way I code. Another book is Hackers and Painters, a much lighter book with some great perspectives!
4y, 4d 1 reply
🤔 David How about a subreply reading circle? :) If you like goodreads, add me through this link: bit.ly/dvaun-goodr... I think it'd be fun to start an online book club
Chetan Vashisht I've sent you a request on GR
👨‍đŸ’ģ Matthieu V. When my goals are defined, this is absolutely not a problem ! Better focus, no commute, more time with my wife and my son ! But downside is communication with colleagues is a bit harder via IM or voice chat than at work, when they are just at the next desk !
Chetan Vashisht +1, I hate the fakeness of corporate life anyway. But in my company it's remote work until it's feasible to open again. But this makes collaboration really hard.
4y, 4w 1 reply
Chetan Vashisht Five out Five people agree that Russian Roulette is safe.
🗨ī¸ Fui lol! Five agreed, one has not yet responded.
4y, 4w reply
Chetan Vashisht It's slow, not daed yet
4y, 5w reply
Chetan Vashisht Why did the Chicken die? To get to the other side.
4y, 6w reply ¬
Chetan Vashisht The bartender says, we don't serve time travellers here. The time traveller walks into the bar.
Miso Haha you should definitely tell that to midnight.pub's bartender ;)
4y, 6w reply
Chetan Vashisht Looking for examples of Circular logic
😃 Javier "What are you doing there?" "I am drinking" "Why are you drinking?" "So I may forget" "Forget What?" "That I am ashamed" "Ashamed of what?" "Ashamed of drinking" archive.org/detail...
4y, 6w reply