🤔 David How about a subreply reading circle? :) If you like goodreads, add me through this link: bit.ly/dvaun-goodr... I think it'd be fun to start an online book club
Chetan Vashisht I've sent you a request on GR
🤔 David Just got to your request and the others! Now we just need to pick a book :) have any thoughts?
Chetan Vashisht Structure and Interpretation of Computer programs was a life changing book for me as a programmer. I hardly got 10% of this monster of a book but it still changed the way I code. Another book is Hackers and Painters, a much lighter book with some great perspectives!
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🤔 David I would be fine with reading either book! Hackers and Painters looks neat...there are a few history books about working in IT that I would like to read--Soul of a new machine is one that I've read about halfway through (great narration), and Fire in the valley is another I mean to start. || FYI, for others reading, join our Subreply book club if you're interested :) bit.ly/subreply-se...
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