👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Hello everyone! Another week starting here, I'm gonna do remote work this week, the car need some repairs
Miso how do you enjoy remote working?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. When my goals are defined, this is absolutely not a problem ! Better focus, no commute, more time with my wife and my son ! But downside is communication with colleagues is a bit harder via IM or voice chat than at work, when they are just at the next desk !
Chetan Vashisht +1, I hate the fakeness of corporate life anyway. But in my company it's remote work until it's feasible to open again. But this makes collaboration really hard.
4y, 3w 1 reply
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👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I really need some new tools and habits from everyone, but it is totally feasible now (:
4y, 3w reply