BA in Philosophy. Epicurean by trade. Part-time Teacher.
~ 51y old
🗨️ Fui Yesterday I've watched an anime series on a usually much less glamorous sport: ping pong. And I was truly impressed how much one could dive into the psychology of sports through such simple premise: what makes one good at a sport? The series? Ping Pong the Animation (2014), by Masaaki Yuasa.
Sergiusz I love the fact that there is anime about anything
4y, 3w reply
Ivan Minutillo Hello world, so clean!
🗨️ Fui Clean, and so the world hellos.
4y, 5w reply
Zero Edge I value an honest person I may disagree with far more than a fake person who says what you want to hear. At least the honest person leaves themselves open to discussion or debate.
🗨️ Fui How you distinguish the two? The first could be a contariam. The second someone who believes in building bridges.
4y, 5w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin LinkedIn initially rejected two bug reports from me. The first was fixed. For the second one they just deleted a post I couldn't access when logged in. Now I want to build an alternative. Every account can have a resume, post jobs, share stuff with mentions and private messages.
🗨️ Fui I haven't used linkedIn in years. Left tired of all the spam tactics employed. It also didn't help their efforts of trying to make of it another engagement seeking platform. Regardless, an alternative would be very welcome. (So many words just to say 'go for it')
4y, 5w reply
🗨️ Fui I have been thinking about the pains of relationship break-ups and their possible causes. What's the evolutionary path to responses like these? I theorize that the reason lies on our social nature, more specifically on our deep dependence on strong community ti in order to survive. In an atomized world like ours, where we belong to no other tribe than our immediate family, breakups easily trigger the fear if death response of being outcasted from the tribe. What do you think?
🧐 Nrmn Sounds reasonable. There's also a power question that we didn't overcome yet.
4y, 5w reply
Nick S. What is the best time of day? For me it is 11pm-3am. There' s something special about those hours.
🗨️ Fui 4-7am. Its already morning (where I live), but most people are still sleeping. I feel productive and focused, as there's little to no outside distractions. Besides, the rising sun makes me joyful and hopeful.
4y, 6w 1 reply
🐵 Max I'm really upset that the lowest volume level of iphone/ipad is still too high for me. When using a noise-cancelling headset in a quiet open space it's drilling my ears. I don't get how this is even possible.
🗨️ Fui You're... batman!
4y, 6w reply
🧐 Nrmn I so feel you! Naps are wondrous, magical things!
🗨️ Fui +1 for naps. And recently I've discovered something even better than napping: yoga nidra.
··· 4y, 6w reply
🧐 Nrmn Hello and welcome to this beautiful new week, full of chances and possibilities! How do you all feel on this Monday?
🗨️ Fui It's Monday today! (Yesterday we had a holiday in Brazil). I like Tuesdays, so I'm feeling good this Monday. ;)
4y, 6w reply
☕ Tk Master ... clear of photos, stories, memes, (...) and ADS! We hate ads! I bet everyone hates ads, even the advertising guy!
🗨️ Fui Bill Hicks on marketing:
··· 4y, 6w reply
Vincent L. Silly me. Laptops never felt like real computers to me. Call me old-fashioned or just dumb, I don't care. I want a sturdy desktop. A *place* for my mind to flow towards programming and other technical stuff.
🗨️ Fui I feel I understand you. Desktop computers have a kind of physicality that makes them more reliable, a sturdiness akin to a good old-fashioned workshop tool, like a vise, or a sledgehammer. Even if most of it is just a projection, there's a mental comfort in feeling confident in its tool-like hardiness that a flimsy laptop cannot provide.
4y, 6w 1 reply
Adsr I like how wholesome this community is. I haven't seen any trolls or anything even close to those Twitter flame-wars. I've always felt that every social media platform has its own personality, and I really love Subreply's. Or perhaps it's because there's only a handful of people here and a social network is doomed to be toxic as it gains popularity.
🗨️ Fui You're right on both accounts. Whatever personality this has is just the sum of all the people active here. So, if subreply's is the way it is because individually we're cool, level-headed people. And yes, if this grew exponentially, with it coming new and more conflict-seeking people, subreply's personality would change accordingly. The world is messy, and the more of the messy world you have in one place, the noisier it gets. Past a certain point it's just deafning.
Rsm Have gone back more to posting to my own little microblog site. For all the positives I may find here or there, there's nothing like having control of your own data. (Is there an export option on #subreply?)
🗨️ Fui Yeah. It's very liberating to have control over our data. I'm a bit of school on that regard. I prize having everything (significant) local. Our data, our rules!
4y, 6w reply
Rsm Unless you have a home office and then you can still work a bunch of hours.
🗨️ Fui Yes. You're right. That's more and more the case nowadays. Well, if overtiming, I hope they get payed accordingly. If not, and done out of pleasure (because you love what you do), they'll be having a good (over)time, which is a good way to spend a holiday. Or so I hope...
4y, 6w reply
🚴 Aditya It's been a funny kind of week, but the end is nigh (I'm famously a drama queen)! For those of you based in the United States, what are you up to this long weekend? For the rest, what's this regular weekend looking like? :)
🗨️ Fui Well, Brazilians are also having a longer weekend (holiday on Monday). Everything spells out clearly 'relax' (which means you have to lazily accept being lazy).
🐢 Keb +1 I've gotten into the habit of having evening coffee (sue me). That + a nice piece of coffee cake, doing a little bit of liesurely coding by my desk plant, Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" playing... what more can one ask for?
🗨️ Fui I grined! It's the carving of the perfect happiness niche that truly amazes me. Your heavenly evening sounds very nice indeed
4y, 6w reply