🚴 Aditya It's been a funny kind of week, but the end is nigh (I'm famously a drama queen)! For those of you based in the United States, what are you up to this long weekend? For the rest, what's this regular weekend looking like? :)
··· 4y, 8w 9 replies ¬
🗨️ Fui Well, Brazilians are also having a longer weekend (holiday on Monday). Everything spells out clearly 'relax' (which means you have to lazily accept being lazy).
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🚴 Aditya Nice! Planned lazing around days are the best.
4y, 8w reply
Rsm Unless you have a home office and then you can still work a bunch of hours.
4y, 8w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui Yes. You're right. That's more and more the case nowadays. Well, if overtiming, I hope they get payed accordingly. If not, and done out of pleasure (because you love what you do), they'll be having a good (over)time, which is a good way to spend a holiday. Or so I hope...
4y, 8w reply