Ph.D. student at NYU studying software supply chain security | ~ 28y old from United States
Andreas Grzybowski no. it's called a part lockdown. one month. the whole november. :(
🚴 Aditya Oh wow :|
3y, 50w reply
Andreas Grzybowski Bad. Corona is massively back.
🚴 Aditya Is Germany shutting down?
3y, 50w 3 replies
🧐 Nrmn Going well. Trying to get new shoes. Mine are falling apart. Literally. But it's always hard to find shoes because I never know what to look for.
🚴 Aditya I know that feel all too well. I usually rely on friends to point me in a general direction and then pick something up hehe
4y, 4d 1 reply
🚴 Aditya How's it going, everyone?
🧐 Nrmn Going well. Trying to get new shoes. Mine are falling apart. Literally. But it's always hard to find shoes because I never know what to look for.
Diva I'm trying not to eat all the Halloween sweets! So far, I'm failing...
4y, 1d reply
🧐 Nrmn I think 80-90 is doable for me on good days and easy texts as well. But I'm rarely writing lots of text and if so then only in short bursts (in a blog article for example) so I don't really see the bottleneck in typing speed.
🚴 Aditya That sums me up actually.
4y, 1w reply
🧐 Nrmn Yesterday I stumbled over a typing competition in the US from 2010. The winner managed to type 163 words per minute on average! I'd be happy about half of that.
🚴 Aditya holy shit, i can sometimes hit something in the 90s if it's a good day
🚴 Aditya This is really handy!
4y, 2w 1 reply
🤔 David Pretty good! I will be starting a new role in a few weeks or so :) how about yourself?
🚴 Aditya Neat! That's exciting! I'm doing pretty good too, things are slowly returning to normal.
4y, 3w reply
🚴 Aditya So I just tried to ask "How's everyone doing?" but it turns out I asked that 6 weeks ago as well. But anyway, how's everyone doing now? :D
🤔 David Pretty good! I will be starting a new role in a few weeks or so :) how about yourself?
🧐 Nrmn Generally good but a lot of personal stuff on my plate currently and it is just not feasible to procrastinate them further. Starting a hormone therapy actually today. It's about ekzema though, nothing mind blowing. Next step: start actual therapy to figure out that whole ADHD thing.
Diva I am OK and I hope you are too! Challenging times at work and at home, partly to do with COVID and restrictions. I'm enjoying the seasons changing from Summer to Autumn. And I am looking forward to some time off soon.
4y, 2w reply
Sijmen Used to have a Dolce Gusto coffee pod machine, but those pods are an environmental nightmare so I switched back to my old filter coffee machine and it's great as ever.
🚴 Aditya I'm glad and appreciate that you stopped using the pods! At my workplace, we have a keurig machine, but a bunch of people started bringing their own reusable pods and filling them up with ground coffee. Hope!
4y, 3w reply
Nick S. Oh man, you really opened this Pandora's box. I thought it was an unspoken understanding on here to ignore Jerrod.
🚴 Aditya Always thought it was a troll
4y, 3w reply
Cole Hudson I actually agree with your points! The h-index also misses that often many people don't even read the papers they cite! Though I think the h-index should be replaced, it strikes me that it would be an interesting project to do an h-index for politicians, e.g. how many pieces of legislation have they contributed to which we're then subsequently used. It has all the same problems as a metric, but would be interesting nonetheless.
🚴 Aditya > The h-index also misses that often many people don't even read the papers they cite! That's just terrible science! As for politicians: I think you are right, it would definitely be very interesting to build out such a metric, while taking inspiration from the academic h-index. I imagine all the data is out there, so doing so could yield some interesting results. I'd be open to contributing and collaborating on something like that.
··· 4y, 4w reply
🧐 Nrmn So what's up this week?
🚴 Aditya Nothing much, more of the same tbh. Some work, some classes...How about you?
4y, 4w 1 reply
4y, 6w reply ¬
Diva It feels very Autumnal here in London; the leaves are changing colour and the temperature is quite cool. But this all means that hot chocolate is on the menu; we can layer up with scarves and hoodies; and we stay in and stream films!
🚴 Aditya Fall is my favourite time of the year, by far. Also the lead up to the holiday season! And for much the same reason you've mentioned haha
··· 4y, 6w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui Well, Brazilians are also having a longer weekend (holiday on Monday). Everything spells out clearly 'relax' (which means you have to lazily accept being lazy).
🚴 Aditya Nice! Planned lazing around days are the best.
4y, 6w reply