I like programming, Unix and games but not climate breakdown
🧐 Nrmn I'm way too much in love with good completion and history search. I also use differently coloured prompts to differentiate between machines and privileges.
Sijmen I do need to learn about navigating history more efficiently. And I do cheat a bit for the things you mention: on machines I tend to remote into I add '\h' for hostname, and I use '\$' for prompt which turns into # for root
3y, 28w 1 reply
🚴 Aditya What's your coffee making technique?
Sijmen Used to have a Dolce Gusto coffee pod machine, but those pods are an environmental nightmare so I switched back to my old filter coffee machine and it's great as ever.
3y, 28w 1 reply
Sijmen Obligatory nnn reference for wrt command line tools ;)
3y, 28w reply
Sijmen This is such a breath of fresh air. Not missing the AJAX spinners and 24" UI.
3y, 28w reply ¬
⚙️ Vdo tried fish, went back to zsh
Sijmen I'm all about ksh with PS1="$ " nowadays. Keeping it simple, minimal/no config. Same with editor, just nvi with 'set ru ai nu'
3y, 28w 3 replies
🧐 Nrmn So what's up this week?
Sijmen WFH as usual now. Taking a break from running but playing lots of Tetris and doing some pkgsrc work! (Mac/ARM yay)
3y, 28w reply