đ Lucian Marin
What other tabs you kept for so long?
đĩ Max
A Trello table, a Guardian article about the 1MDB scandal and the page of a triathlon club.
3y, 3w
đĩ Max
Last post 37 weeks ago. During all this time the subreply tab has remained open. But even now I do not have a lot to share.
3y, 3w
2 replies
đ Lucian Marin
What other tabs you kept for so long?
3y, 3w
1 reply
đĩ Max
100% would recommend Zelda Minish Cap. Definitely a joyful adventure worth a play.
3y, 41w
đĩ Neo
I've been trying to read more lately... Any book suggestions? Give me something depressing
đĩ Max
I dug out my old iPod to avoid streaming music in order to reduce my carbon footprint. I felt so old school while the device is only like five years old.
3y, 48w
1 reply
đ§ Nrmn
Are you all using ?
đ§ Nrmn
So what's up this week?
đĩ Max
I'm really upset that the lowest volume level of iphone/ipad is still too high for me. When using a noise-cancelling headset in a quiet open space it's drilling my ears. I don't get how this is even possible.
4y, 1w
1 reply
đ¨ī¸ Fui
You're... batman!
4y, 1w
đĸ Keb
Is adblock stealing? Do you use adblock? Why? Sure, advertisers don't have the right to your attention, but don't the content creators have the right to your financial support?
đĩ Max
Agree with you. I've stopped using an adblocker, I pay for the press I read (which is a large part of my web consumption) and watch YouTube ads (even though I complain about it). Living in Europe I can generally disable cookies so I'm not concerned about privacy. I don't understand people who want a free *and* ad free web. I'm glad you started this thread but we are a minority.
4y, 3w
1 reply
Favorite text editor?
đ´ Aditya
How's everyone doing?
đ LÊo
#TOTD As an engineer you quickly learn to appreciate how any dynamic system is just a series of energy connections. For example: any driver knows what the brake pedal does; a technician understands how it works, with the caliper pressing the pads against the disc; an engineer, however, understands that deceleration is nothing but a conversion of energy: from kinetic to heat. The car will lose velocity by the same rate as the brakes heat up. Power simply has to go somewhere.
đ Yt L.
What do you mean by main function? Is this a kind of game dev thing? I handle functions that are too complicated by refactoring such that a function does a single thing. If many things need to be done I write many functions.
đĩ Max
More precisely this is a video processing thing but yeah, the idea is that it is based on an infinite loop. Inside that loop some processing happens, files are saved or passed to something, etc. All sorts of things that I would like to put in separate functions but at some point every action is nested inside some condition or for loop so I don't manage to write meaningful subfunctions. Then vscode complains about the high number of conditions inside this single function.
4y, 4w
đĩ Max
Question to (python) devs. How do you handle cognitive complexity in the main function? I usually manage to design small side functions but vscode complains about the main one having either too much parameters or a high cognitive complexity. It's usually due to nested loops that I don't manage to separate.
4y, 4w
2 replies
đ Yt L.
What do you mean by main function? Is this a kind of game dev thing? I handle functions that are too complicated by refactoring such that a function does a single thing. If many things need to be done I write many functions.
4y, 4w
1 reply
đĸ Keb
owning a domain is not the same as owning a server. unless your domain provider also provides you with some server space, you'll need somewhere to host and run your python application