I'm just your normal everyday nerd
trinity.moe ~ 55y old
🔻 Trinity Hey is there a way to delete my account? Sorry to go but I'm significantly paring down my digital footprint.
3y, 22w reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin First self-haircut went terrible bad.
🔻 Trinity they get better! you have to start somewhere. can always lop it all off and go for the mr clean look
3y, 22w 1 reply
😀 Tom I have a new idea for a website to build. That brings the total to three websites I want to build. I need to finish some projects around the house first so I can mentally-focus on those website projects.
🔻 Trinity My method of web design: only make projects I know I can complete, work on one project at a time, and complete them. See tedk.net for example
··· 3y, 23w reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. maybe you could have a look to KISS Launcher on F-Droid f-droid.org/packag...
🔻 Trinity I use this on less capable devices and it works great.
3y, 27w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I want to add social links to profiles. What other social networks do you use?
🔻 Trinity far too many. i plan to delete a lot of the accounts on more mainstream services (imageboards and textboards are okay nearly always but the bigger the sites get the worse they are to use). maybe have a custom field system or something? it would be really cool to be able to have a list of maybe 10 services and be able to click on the service name to find others on subreply who also use it, though when people use different names for the same service that could get weird
··· 3y, 27w 1 reply
James Kirk Hello fellow Doors fan :p
🔻 Trinity Just copied MySpace Tom's profile. No clue who the Doors are but I'll check them out today.
3y, 40w reply
😀 Tom Lol, a MySpace clone: SpaceHey.com
🔻 Trinity Check out my profile, spacehey.com/t0m :)
··· 3y, 41w 3 replies
🔻 Trinity Gimme my light theme back!! // Update: I have my light theme back. // Update: Gimme my light theme back!!! // Update: I have my light theme back. Maybe some settings on my end are screwy.
··· 3y, 44w reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin Everything Microsoft touches turns to dust. Nokia, Minecraft, Skype, Yammer, LinkedIn, GitHub and list will go on.
3y, 46w reply
🧉 Martin Finally updated my /now page. Anyone else have one? If so, share! :) martinrue.com/now
🔻 Trinity update 28w later: currently at trinity.moe/#now
··· 3y, 47w reply
🧐 Nrmn "Write code as if the one who takes over is a psychopath who knows your address."
🔻 Trinity First programming teacher I ever had gave me that advice, except instead of psychopath it was an axe murderer. I remember it often but rarely follow it (writing cleverly obtuse code is fun)!
3y, 50w reply
🧐 Nrmn How about using minds.com instead?
🔻 Trinity I have an old account on there and I never saw it really active. Another good "alternative" social site (but centralized and proprietary) is Okuna, it's in a private beta right now but it's nice and glossy like Facebook without the user predation+deception. Sort of like Reddit but without the near-psychotic userbase.
4y, 2d reply
Mhmm you can use libcurl to downoad the file in c and use libxml2 to parse it?
🔻 Trinity Great, thank you!
4y, 3d reply
⌨️ Joseph Learning C sounds fun, what prompted you to learn the language?
🔻 Trinity I use Linux and UNIX-based systems for pretty much everything, and I love programming in Python, so I figured I may as well learn how it all works so I can better fix issues I find.
4y, 3d reply
🏒 Lucian Marin LinkedIn initially rejected two bug reports from me. The first was fixed. For the second one they just deleted a post I couldn't access when logged in. Now I want to build an alternative. Every account can have a resume, post jobs, share stuff with mentions and private messages.
🔻 Trinity I'm not on LinkedIn but I'll gladly join an alternative.
4y, 3d 1 reply
🔻 Trinity Anyone know how to parse RSS in C? I know I can use curl to download the XML file but after that I don't know. Looking to rewrite github.com/devenbl... just to learn the language.
··· 4y, 1w 4 replies ¬
Mhmm you can use libcurl to downoad the file in c and use libxml2 to parse it?
⌨️ Joseph Learning C sounds fun, what prompted you to learn the language?
4y, 5d 1 reply