👂 Sly What is your note taking method/workflow ? And what tools do you use ?
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🧿 Andrea I tried roam research but found it too unstructured; then I read about "building a second brain" and its workflows, projects, labels and it clicked: what I needed was something like Jira, but with better ux, so I set myself up a linear.app workspace and I'm quite happy
··· 4y, 22w reply
‼️ Rob Gough I use a simple plain text (markdown!) file, and a set of "personal rules" to create my equivalent of a bullet journal. I used to have a file per week (and have been doing this for years, so it's neat to go and look back through history) -- but I've just switched to a file-per-day system instead, with a few handy terminal functions/aliases for when I type things like "today" "tomorrow" "yesterday" "next week" to auto generate the file and/or open it in vim.
4y, 22w reply
📚 Terry Mcginnis Tried a few things but they all lacked dynamic programming capabilities so now I'm building a custom memex. Backend consists of CouchDB, MeiliSearch, Apache Tika, Tesseract OCR, Ruby, and Node.js. The plan is to have a programmable web frontend that will allow traversing a personal knowledge graph using arbitrary search and linking operators.
4y, 22w reply
🐵 David I use Notes app (iOS, macOS). My work markdown "wiki" is managed with Typora (all markdown files on OneDrive).
4y, 22w reply
Runlevelrobot I use drift found here --> akhater.github.io/... It's written from tiddlywiki. I love it.
4y, 22w 2 replies
👂 Sly That looks amazing! It's just a single file ? Does automatically saves changes into the file ? How does one keeps it up to date without loosing data ?
4y, 22w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui I now use markdown on the most comfortable text editor I can find. Any will do, but I'm currently leaning towards Code-oss (VSCode's open source version). While reading, I jot everything down on paper. I then transcribe these notes and organize them in a Zettelkasten way. When talking to people, I also take notes on paper. Tl;dr: notes on paper+markdown transcriptions afterwards.
4y, 22w reply
🥨 Shruthi similar to apple notes or pen/paper, if i must write it down at all. my issue with a lot of note taking methodologies is when you spend more time structuring notes than listening/reading/exploring. as for non-linear, imo the best non-linear system is your mind.
4y, 22w reply
🐧 Aditya I think that orgzly, which is an android implementation of the emacs org-mode deserves a mention here
4y, 22w 1 reply
🍁 John J. Ooo, cheers for that; wasn't aware. I want to start looking at this, and Android compatibility has pushed it up the To Do list. :-)
4y, 22w reply
Uscrea M. workflowy.com - simple, reliable saas tool i've used every day for the past 7 years
4y, 22w reply
🎲 Jamie Currently using org-roam in Emacs. It's pretty good, though I think it would make more sense if I was also more invested in Emacs outside of org-roam.
4y, 22w 1 reply
🍁 John J. Ah, interesting. That's exactly where I would be as well, I'd imagine. (I've been considering it, but haven't started, and am much more comfortable with vi.)
4y, 22w reply
☝️ Jean-David Moisan I take a lot of notes with Milton. I wrote an article about it here: jeandavidmoisan.co...
4y, 22w reply
🥝 Mr iPad with pencil & notes app
4y, 22w reply
Dan Heath Pen and paper for day-to-day note taking and to do lists. Its ubiquitous, cheap, and has infinite ways of capturing thoughts. Of the information I need to retain for a long time that I can't commit to memory I use Apple Notes.
4y, 22w reply
❄️ Geoff Mostly using Notion now. Was on Roam but wasn't worth paying for IMO. I like the non-linear aspect of it, but I think you also need to organize better than they enable. I built a back-linking type ability into Notion. Typically goes in this order Raw notes (on the content I consume) -> Reference notes (take-aways in my own words) -> Mental models (usually piecing together reference notes to create a heuristic)
4y, 22w reply
🎲 James York Google Docs get the bulk of my notes which get commented on and tidied as a project forms. (I'm mainly taking notes on teaching practices, which then get turned into journal articles or other long form posts).
4y, 22w reply
⌨️ Joseph Right now I just have a giant text file under version control. I'm in the middle of switching to org mode now though.
4y, 22w 1 reply
🧔 Justin I prefer a simple text file as well. Saved as a yaml for a bit of syntax highlighting and it's as good as I feel I need
4y, 22w reply
🌊 Zero Two I use handwrite notes on goodnote5 or type on notion
4y, 22w reply
Cole Hudson I'm very haphazard in taking notes, vim, git, and plaintext are my tools of choice. But if you're looking for something novel, you might try Roam Research, it's basically some approximation of what Project Xanadu was supposed to be
4y, 22w reply
💻 Kernel Currently experimenting with non-linear notetaking using Obsidian.md. It's the free version of Roam.
4y, 22w 4 replies
🍁 John J. Me too. What do you think so far? I'm very happy that spellchecking has been included recently. (Even if it is just a single dictionary.)
4y, 22w 2 replies
🎲 James York Thank you for mentioning this. I picked it up and really like how minimalist it is. Being able to connect pages together is a fantastic feature that makes a lot of sense to me. Exciting!
4y, 22w reply
🧉 Martin With regards to remembering things, I use Anki. It's old school, but by far still one of the best flash card apps. Flash cards combined with spaced repetition has been shown time and time again to be one of the most effective ways to remember things. I use it mostly for foreign language vocabulary, but sometimes other things I want to ensure stay available in my mind. Not note taking per se, but thought it was worth mentioning.
4y, 22w 7 replies
👂 Sly Thanks for sharing! Any tips on how to take notes while learning programming? I am having a difficult time finding a method that works, everything is 2 searches and 3 clicks away, it just feels unnecessary most of the time.
4y, 22w 2 replies
🔻 Trinity Anki has been invaluable for my learning Japanese. It gamifies it enough to be rewarding but not enough to become addicting.
4y, 22w 3 replies