Sum quod sum.
🏒 Lucian Marin Google will buy Subreply and kill it.
🐵 David Hahahahaha! Considering they have killed things people liked/loved, I'll believe that second part, for sure!
👽 Paul Webb Nope (I follow him on Github)
🐵 David Eight years and change! :-)
🐵 David I wonder is there has been any update on this: #11842
👽 Paul Webb Nope (I follow him on Github)
💻 Kernel RIP CloudFlare DNS. This is why we should have a decentralized internet.
🐵 David It is decentralised. I use a different DNS, no impact at all.
4y, 8w 1 reply
Ssbibbi Bobbiti Can't just crack a smile and move on?
🐵 David Some things are just not funny.
4y, 8w reply
👂 Sly What is your note taking method/workflow ? And what tools do you use ?
🐵 David I use Notes app (iOS, macOS). My work markdown "wiki" is managed with Typora (all markdown files on OneDrive).
4y, 8w reply
😇 Jesus Christ fun fact MMS and SMS are not encrypted
📷 Jasper Early 2011 MacBook Pro. I did put in an SSD a couple of years ago. Now hoping this one will last until the ARM MacBooks are released.
🐵 David Waiting for ARM based MBPs too.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🚴 Aditya What is your primary messaging app/service?
🐵 David iMessage, and the old SMS/MMS.
4y, 9w reply
Ben M. Are you *truly* scared of that? How has his Presidency truly affected your life personally?
🐵 David I take everything that affects humankind at a global scale personal. He embodies everything I unequivocally reject. He is the antithesis of my behaviour, my believes, my cares, my humanity.
4y, 9w reply
Diva I work in the Civil Service. How about you?
🐵 David What does it means? Is it that you work for a country's government? If so, that's a really broad spectrum. Is it a profession?
4y, 9w reply
Miso What's one thing you are currently scared about?
🐵 David Trump winning a second term.
😀 Tom Opera is closed source and owned by a Chinese company. I strongly do NOT recommend.
🐵 David Because we all know the Chinese are very bad, but our governments of the West are truly bonafide. </s> :-D
4y, 10w reply
👽 Nik Rajpal Most names have interesting meanings. Michael means "who is like god?" Nikhil means "without boundaries". What does your name mean?
🐵 David I am fastidious. That's all. :-)
4y, 11w reply
👽 Nik Rajpal created by is gathering steam. People tell their stories (real and fictional) and others respond with anecdotes of their own
🐵 David So, a multiuser blog community?
4y, 11w 1 reply
Sergiusz I think I will finally host my own mail
🐵 David It can be fun. I did it for many years until it became too much responsibility (the entire family was in it). These days it is hard, very hard, to become bonafide, but not impossible.
4y, 11w reply