Curious, always. Long-time video/film post & VFX professional but now write, mostly.
🐵 David
Trump winning a second term.
4y, 19w
🍵 Neo
I've always dreamt of having a spouse I would spend time with, in a nice area of Japan away from the city. We would have a garden, a Shiba Inu, and we would go to the local market to purchase groceries. We would listen to music together. You know, just enjoy each other and just live life, not just experience it. A quiet, peaceful, and simple life.
An article I recently read about an American expat couple buying and restoring a large 130-year-old country house, a "kominka," complete with most or all of its several-generations prior owner's contents. I thought it quite interesting--and appealing.
4y, 19w