Love all things open source and Linux!
😃 Javier Once a week I go to my deli in the morning and ask for egg-chees-bacon-on-a-kaiser-roll and she always repeats back to me: bacon-egg-cheese-kaiser-roll. This morning was no difference. That's how we roll.
Runlevelrobot Lol I love it!
3y, 40w reply
Runlevelrobot How is everyone today?
😃 Javier Once a week I go to my deli in the morning and ask for egg-chees-bacon-on-a-kaiser-roll and she always repeats back to me: bacon-egg-cheese-kaiser-roll. This morning was no difference. That's how we roll.
3y, 40w 1 reply
Miso loving the new purple theme of firefox
Runlevelrobot me too! I just got it. :)
3y, 43w reply
🚴 Aditya Where are you (roughly) located?
Runlevelrobot I'm in TX and man it's 106 today! I'm ready for winter.
3y, 49w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin By creating bash scripts and keeping them versioned in git. I can't work with Jenkins without jobConfigHistory plugin.
Runlevelrobot awesome... Care to share what your bash scripts do?
3y, 49w reply
Runlevelrobot Are there any linux sysadmins that have ADHD? I have it bad and find it challenging sometimes. How do you handle remembering everything?
🏒 Lucian Marin By creating bash scripts and keeping them versioned in git. I can't work with Jenkins without jobConfigHistory plugin.
3y, 49w 1 reply
🤔 David Do you have a project/idea in mind and are ready to begin building it? If so, personally I would lay out the requirements of the application and then decide what types of data/components need to be displayed. Then, I would iterate off of that to figure out a UI that I like. With a plan like that laid out you can begin looking at what Bootstrap components can fulfill those design goals
Runlevelrobot Thanks David I think I first need to draw out the elements then start looking at the bootstrap stuff
4y, 6d reply
👉 LÊo When I was learning bootstrap I used a static HTML file with a style tag linking to their official CDN. Then I played around with divs of different colors to test the grid system and get the basic layout the way I wanted. The greatest challenege was figuring out the side menu which should collapse to the top in mobile layout. I was recently told that I should have started with a template instead.
Runlevelrobot Thanks for the info!
4y, 6d reply
Runlevelrobot How does one get started with bootstrap if I don't have an example website yet? I found a theme I want to use but have no idea how to use it. I am pretty good with understanding html and css. Can anybody help me?
🤔 David Do you have a project/idea in mind and are ready to begin building it? If so, personally I would lay out the requirements of the application and then decide what types of data/components need to be displayed. Then, I would iterate off of that to figure out a UI that I like. With a plan like that laid out you can begin looking at what Bootstrap components can fulfill those design goals
👉 LÊo When I was learning bootstrap I used a static HTML file with a style tag linking to their official CDN. Then I played around with divs of different colors to test the grid system and get the basic layout the way I wanted. The greatest challenege was figuring out the side menu which should collapse to the top in mobile layout. I was recently told that I should have started with a template instead.
☝ī¸ Jean-David Moisan If you want to try TailwindCSS instead, I can help you.
4y, 5d reply
👉 LÊo Working on an outline + introduction for my second (first author) paper. It's going to be on brushless motors! I am so slow at writing introductions, like one day per paragraph. Hopefully the rest of the paper will go faster!
Runlevelrobot Thats cool man. I am also slow when it comes to writing stuff. Just gotta push through! You got this man. :)
4y, 1w 1 reply
💡 Diff Tmux has had some problems with Konsole and redrawing in the past. If you're using Konsole, that'd be a good suspect.
Runlevelrobot yea i am using konsole..
4y, 1w reply
🧔 Justin It might be an issue with your terminal and not tmux, have you reproduced it another terminal?
Runlevelrobot Thanks n I haven't tried it in another terminal. I will research some more.
đŸĸ Xia I use it and know my way around but just need a handful of hotkeys. I keep coming back to this cheatsheet:
Runlevelrobot Well I am having issues with the screen not redrawing after i issue say the clear command. I have to click on the window for it to refresh
👂 Sly That looks amazing! It's just a single file ? Does automatically saves changes into the file ? How does one keeps it up to date without loosing data ?
Runlevelrobot Well you can use github to save to or you can get a browser plugin called Timmi that will save automatically found here And yes its one file!
4y, 1w reply
Runlevelrobot Anybody good with tmux by chance?
💡 Diff if by "good" you mean able to attach and detach without seriously injuring myself, then yes.
đŸĸ Xia I use it and know my way around but just need a handful of hotkeys. I keep coming back to this cheatsheet:
😃 Javier yes, I made bash invoke a multi-pane tmux sessions to remote ssh and monitor dozen's of processes from multiple vm's. An eagle's eye point of view. tmux is hard to master in even harder to give up.
4y, 1w 1 reply
Runlevelrobot Good morning everyone! What are you doing today? I am working and learning python. :)
💡 Diff Doing laundry and attempting to teach my girlfriend python. Finding it might be easier to just throw a tutorial at her lol. How's your python coming along?
👁ī¸ Mbladra Trying to understand tensor networks.. has anyone here studied this?
👉 LÊo Working on an outline + introduction for my second (first author) paper. It's going to be on brushless motors! I am so slow at writing introductions, like one day per paragraph. Hopefully the rest of the paper will go faster!