Runlevelrobot Anybody good with tmux by chance?
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😃 Javier yes, I made bash invoke a multi-pane tmux sessions to remote ssh and monitor dozen's of processes from multiple vm's. An eagle's eye point of view. tmux is hard to master in even harder to give up.
4y, 7w 1 reply
Queue T. Ay, nested tmux ftw. I wrote a DSL for generating a shell script to create nested tmux sessions. Instead of implementing the compiler I hand-wrote the output and called it a day w.
··· 4y, 7w reply
🐢 Xia I use it and know my way around but just need a handful of hotkeys. I keep coming back to this cheatsheet:
Runlevelrobot Well I am having issues with the screen not redrawing after i issue say the clear command. I have to click on the window for it to refresh
💡 Diff if by "good" you mean able to attach and detach without seriously injuring myself, then yes.
4y, 7w 1 reply
Ssbibbi Bobbiti Yeah, this. Which is, basically, all you need tmux to do...
4y, 7w reply