👂 Sly What is your note taking method/workflow ? And what tools do you use ?
🧉 Martin With regards to remembering things, I use Anki. It's old school, but by far still one of the best flash card apps. Flash cards combined with spaced repetition has been shown time and time again to be one of the most effective ways to remember things. I use it mostly for foreign language vocabulary, but sometimes other things I want to ensure stay available in my mind. Not note taking per se, but thought it was worth mentioning.
4y, 22w 7 replies
🔻 Trinity Anki has been invaluable for my learning Japanese. It gamifies it enough to be rewarding but not enough to become addicting.
4y, 22w 3 replies
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🐧 Aditya Another Anki japanese learner reporting in! I use the KanjiDamage and 2k core vocab decks. Wbu guys?
4y, 22w 1 reply
🔻 Trinity I use the kanji radical deck mostly and I used another SRS (before I found Anki) to learn the kana.
4y, 22w reply
🎲 James York I used it only for studying Japanese too (haven't found a use for it outside of that though...)
4y, 22w reply