🦿 Lucian Marin Mitochondrial biogenesis is increased, among other factors, by endurance exercise and caloric restriction. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p...
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I'm trying to improve my programming skills, what "exercises" would you recommend ? I tried to make some side projects but I have no idea to exploit... Bonus point if I can do it offline, during my train commute.
🦿 Lucian Marin Try to rewrite projects you find on GitHub in a different programming language. I coded an alternative to GoAccess in Python and got plenty of stars.
2y, 9w reply
Zero Edge biting my tongue more often these days.
Rsm That's a very good exercise, generally speaking, for all of us. I have a few marks on my tongue, probably need a few more.
2y, 22w reply
M_dow A 12 minute timer. I look at a task (folding laundry, doing dishes, etc) and tell myself I only have to do it for 12 minutes. It's not even a full quarter hour, so I can add in some bonus time if the timer beeps and I only need a couple minutes to finish up. Would you say more about your 7 minute workout?
😌 Ismail Oh good one you have. I'll try this as well. 7 Minute Workout is a Fitness App on stores basically exercise for 7 mins.
3y, 35w reply
🔻 Trinity infp, though I took another one that was supposedly more accurate and got infj.
Diva Did you have to do the test as part of a team building exercise or as an element in recruitment for a job?
3y, 37w 2 replies
💩 Niklas I like listening to audio books that aren't too complicated to think along with, because I can do so while doing my chores. For more complex ones I'm really missing the option to highlight stuff that I have in physical books and ebooks. Any suggestions for fixing that problem?
Diva Although I don't have any suggestions (this is my first audio book), I can see that this might be a challenge. I'm making a few notes in an exercise book as I go along.
3y, 38w reply
M_dow Faced a fear today: I went to the gym for the first time since March. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Working out with a mask isn't great, but it's not awful. I was wearing a disposable one...I don't think I would have made it in a re-usable one.
🏛️ Brandon Pittman I'd recommend body weight exercises at home. Cheaper and no need to mask up.
3y, 38w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui Well, congratulations. And as for the mask exercise thing, you can look at it as putting an extra effort. If you can exert yourself with a mask on, imagine how much more stamina you'll have when you're without one!
3y, 39w 1 reply
📚 Terry Mcginnis Dance training is superior to repetitive physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity in the elderly journals.plos.org/...
3y, 39w reply ¬
📀 Rob What do you guys know about fitness? How does someone get "celebrity" fit?
📚 Terry Mcginnis I don't know what "celebrity" fit means but if you spend some time every day doing basic cardio and body weight exercises then you'll get pretty far. There is no specific plan I follow. I just try to get tired while listening to music and it works pretty well.
3y, 40w reply
💡 Diff Read an article a few weeks ago that said apparently it's harder to weigh less than it used to be. Comparing today and the 80s, someone with the same level of exercise and caloric intake just weighs more today. Another article said there's no real tricks, just control over your diet and exercise.
3y, 40w 1 reply
Robert Fouldes Cycling time, need the exercise
3y, 40w reply ¬
⚪ Ghostis What is everyone doing for during quarantine?
Seth Kravitz Built out a whole regime of body weight exercises that I cycle through each day. Helping me to build a mentality that there really is no excuse for not working out, no matter where I am.
3y, 40w 1 reply
⚪ Ghostis What is everyone doing for during quarantine?
📉 Bill Long hikes away from everyone
👾 Marty Fortunately I had built a home gym in August 2019
Craig Bjs Jogging for lower body/cardio and pushups for upper body.
🥨 Shruthi Pacing while on the phone
Xy cycling has really saved me these past few months. have been doing one 60-70 mile ride on the weekend with a few 20-30 mile rides throughout the rest of the week. i'm not losing weight or feeling any more conditioned, but it has had a considerable effect on my mind.
🌋 Pod Unk Isometrics, stationary bike, kettlebells. Walks (with mask).
Seth Kravitz Built out a whole regime of body weight exercises that I cycle through each day. Helping me to build a mentality that there really is no excuse for not working out, no matter where I am.
💻 Kernel Things are opening up here and I'm finally able to squash again... feels weird though.
3y, 40w reply
🐢 Xia Do you know the feeling of sometimes feeling alone in the world despite family and friends? What do you do about it?
🌋 Pod Unk Exercise more, with weights.
3y, 40w 1 reply
Nick Silvestri in the current moment in history, how do you find the energy to wake up and work in the morning? the only thing I really have the energy for is being a leech on society.
🟩 Koralatov My dog removes the choice from me: I have to get up to care for her (walk, toilet break, exercise). Doing so is immediately rewarding and, even when I'm tired, I never regret spending the time on her.
3y, 40w reply