M_dow Faced a fear today: I went to the gym for the first time since March. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Working out with a mask isn't great, but it's not awful. I was wearing a disposable one...I don't think I would have made it in a re-usable one.
🏛️ Brandon Pittman I'd recommend body weight exercises at home. Cheaper and no need to mask up.
4y, 6w 1 reply
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M_dow Thanks for the encouragement. I have a small/crowded bedroom in a shared house, and I'm shy about working out in the public areas. Also, my roommate's dog is very friendly and I don't relish the idea of trying to work out with her around, so there isn't really a good space at home for anything that would extend beyond the limits of a yoga mat.
4y, 6w reply