My roommate is cooking something that smells DELICIOUS. Heaven help me. I've already eaten well over my calorie budget three days this week, I for sure don't need to be snacking. (Aha! Typing this reminded me that I bought apples for just such an occasion. Thanks, Subreply!)
4y, 16w
😌 Ismail
What are your tricks of 'getting things done' ? For me washing the dishes and 7 minutes workout.
A 12 minute timer. I look at a task (folding laundry, doing dishes, etc) and tell myself I only have to do it for 12 minutes. It's not even a full quarter hour, so I can add in some bonus time if the timer beeps and I only need a couple minutes to finish up. Would you say more about your 7 minute workout?
4y, 16w
1 reply
😏 Yt L.
I like those books! Your post just minded me that the new one is out. It's been a while! I know what I'll be reading this weekend though.
Any fans of the Dresden Files on here? (Please don't spoil Peace Talks... I'm re-reading the whole series before I get to it, aiming to be done around the time Battle Ground comes out)
4y, 18w
2 replies
Chetan Vashisht
I went running in a mask a couple of days back. It's training in 1.2x setting (Feels like Goku). But I've not run since March, so it could be that too. None the less, I'm slowly getting used to living with a mask.
😃 Javier
I love country driving with winding roads and hills. I had the commute from hell from Richardson TX, to Grand Praire TX back in the 90s. Oh I-35 Mixmaster where I-35 North South splits on I-35W North South and I-35E North South south of DALLAS. Few places are more unfriendly to the driver in the US, NJ Turnpike comes to mind, right by Liberty Airport.
🔻 Trinity
If you're in a hot state I would highly recommend staying home. Gyms are some of the most dangerous places in terms of spreading respiratory illnesses because physical activity leads to elevated heart rate, which leads to more respiration. Masks (especially cloth ones) can only help so much.
Thanks for your concern. I'm balancing the importance of being physically active (and losing weight, because my current obesity is also a risk factor) against the risks of being in a gym. For a long time I could take walks outside, but the weather in the last few weeks has really made outdoor activity unbearable. As I mentioned above, indoor bodyweight workouts at home are not feasible either. Knowing I *can* use the gym helps me eliminate my excuses for not exercising.
4y, 18w
Anybody else here love driving? I find it pleasant and relaxing, even in DFW.
4y, 18w
2 replies
😃 Javier
I love country driving with winding roads and hills. I had the commute from hell from Richardson TX, to Grand Praire TX back in the 90s. Oh I-35 Mixmaster where I-35 North South splits on I-35W North South and I-35E North South south of DALLAS. Few places are more unfriendly to the driver in the US, NJ Turnpike comes to mind, right by Liberty Airport.
4y, 18w
1 reply
🏛️ Brandon Pittman
I'd recommend body weight exercises at home. Cheaper and no need to mask up.
Thanks for the encouragement. I have a small/crowded bedroom in a shared house, and I'm shy about working out in the public areas. Also, my roommate's dog is very friendly and I don't relish the idea of trying to work out with her around, so there isn't really a good space at home for anything that would extend beyond the limits of a yoga mat.
4y, 18w
🗨️ Fui
Well, congratulations. And as for the mask exercise thing, you can look at it as putting an extra effort. If you can exert yourself with a mask on, imagine how much more stamina you'll have when you're without one!
Faced a fear today: I went to the gym for the first time since March. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Working out with a mask isn't great, but it's not awful. I was wearing a disposable one...I don't think I would have made it in a re-usable one.
4y, 18w
8 replies
🗨️ Fui
Well, congratulations. And as for the mask exercise thing, you can look at it as putting an extra effort. If you can exert yourself with a mask on, imagine how much more stamina you'll have when you're without one!
🏛️ Brandon Pittman
I'd recommend body weight exercises at home. Cheaper and no need to mask up.
🔻 Trinity
If you're in a hot state I would highly recommend staying home. Gyms are some of the most dangerous places in terms of spreading respiratory illnesses because physical activity leads to elevated heart rate, which leads to more respiration. Masks (especially cloth ones) can only help so much.
Chetan Vashisht
I went running in a mask a couple of days back. It's training in 1.2x setting (Feels like Goku). But I've not run since March, so it could be that too. None the less, I'm slowly getting used to living with a mask.
4y, 18w
1 reply
🦥 Ash
People who don't really play games anymore: What games do you find yourself going back to every once in a while? Personally, I still catch myself playing Morrowind and DOOM (1993).
Zero Edge
If a state were to secede from the union what would be the challenges they would face? Specifically Texas. 2nd highest GDP. Largest oil producer. Most farms of any other state. Abundance of land. Has one of the lowest amount of federal aid per resident (around $300 per resident)
Yeah, US army bases in the state are a big one (this was the deal with Ft. Sumter at the start of the civil war). International diplomacy would be the other, especially with the big-ass country that would surround us on three sides and could effectively (and easily!) blockade our harbors. Travel to family in other states would also be a morale issue with the public.
4y, 19w
I'm looking for book recommendation - what's your all time favorite?
👨🎓 Edward
But how do I migrate all my notes usefully? What if something else comes up in a few months and I want to switch again? Really liking notion.so right now, but not feeling good about using something thats not super low tech
🤔 David
I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks for the input!