~ 38y old from London
😀 Tom Uh oh. Someone is giving a run for his money. Hey.Cafe is trending on HN. Some interesting ideas including paying to unlock a longer status.
😌 Ismail what is the tech stack behind this? I mean
2y, 27w reply
Nolan Just joined subreply today. Love how lean and clean everything is.
😌 Ismail it reminds me of the old Internet! Simple but effective.
2y, 29w reply
😌 Ismail argh I've found this network again! I forgot the name unfortunately and I vaguely remembered that this was from HN. I searched "text based social media" and boom. I'm back here again. Hello people, again !
😌 Ismail How do you deal with loss of motivation?
☝ī¸ Jean-David Moisan Sometimes there's no way. One thing that helps me is I keep track of what I'm doing over time. I wrote an article about that a while back: It's so easy to take yourself for granted and forget all that you went through to reach your current state.
Anon T. Just ride it out and try to psych yourself back up
3y, 33w reply
😌 Ismail What have you been up to today?
3y, 47w reply ¬
M_dow A 12 minute timer. I look at a task (folding laundry, doing dishes, etc) and tell myself I only have to do it for 12 minutes. It's not even a full quarter hour, so I can add in some bonus time if the timer beeps and I only need a couple minutes to finish up. Would you say more about your 7 minute workout?
😌 Ismail Oh good one you have. I'll try this as well. 7 Minute Workout is a Fitness App on stores basically exercise for 7 mins.
4y, 7w reply
😌 Ismail What are your tricks of 'getting things done' ? For me washing the dishes and 7 minutes workout.
🗨ī¸ Fui If I'm doing the dishes willingly, I know I'm deep into procrastinating.
M_dow A 12 minute timer. I look at a task (folding laundry, doing dishes, etc) and tell myself I only have to do it for 12 minutes. It's not even a full quarter hour, so I can add in some bonus time if the timer beeps and I only need a couple minutes to finish up. Would you say more about your 7 minute workout?
👨đŸģ‍đŸ’ģ Moroni To get things done, just do not think about it:
👉 LÊo That's difficult for me. I feel like I lack self motivation, and sometimes I have an irrational fear of getting things done. I just keep expanding or perfecting something that already works, or find random projects to work on instead of doing actual work. Meditation has helped me in the past, but recently I've been procrastinating even that! I guess my one "trick" would be to have a HARD due date. Like a mean boss wants to see this done by next week or they'll yell at me.
4y, 7w reply
🌌 Cosmicpackage Someday, I'd like to launch a SaaS app. What would be some great ways to promote it, if I am on a $0 budget?
😌 Ismail build community I assume. community around the problem that you are solving.
4y, 12w reply
😾 Oskar Building or fine-tuning Neural Networks is harder than it looks. Fundamentally society is build on violence and it's inhibition. I enjoy broccoli after 28 years of thinking otherwise.
😌 Ismail how did you achieve first two ? and I bet broccoli was the hardest one :) what was the very first thought after broccoli.
4y, 12w reply
😌 Ismail tell me something you did not know a month ago.
😾 Oskar Building or fine-tuning Neural Networks is harder than it looks. Fundamentally society is build on violence and it's inhibition. I enjoy broccoli after 28 years of thinking otherwise.
4y, 12w 1 reply