😾 Oskar Hello all! Another day at funemployment co. ! Let's fight entropy of motivation once more.
4y, 20w 1 reply ¬
🤔 David Ah did your job get bit by the corona bug?
4y, 20w reply
🔻 Trinity Python's a good start language to teach the concepts provided you don't use a lot of it. I prototype in Python before moving to compiled languages.
4y, 20w reply
💡 Diff Doing laundry and attempting to teach my girlfriend python. Finding it might be easier to just throw a tutorial at her lol. How's your python coming along?
😾 Oskar I think you should start with C and C Programming Language book, not as low level as you are sure to follow with, but a good start for novice girlfriend programmer and weekends well spent. There is no point in dealing with Python, maybe if you are convict and it's a state sponsored program, then, if no choice, Python could be an option, but otherwise it's just incorrect.
4y, 20w 6 replies
😾 Oskar Is Starlink only made to broaden customer base for Internet-based services across the scale, world? Streaming, sales, data. If yes, how much is an untapped Internet economy worth to make it all viable?
4y, 20w reply ¬
📚 Terry Mcginnis I've been thinking about how to do automatic moderation and personal feed curation. The idea is to look at incoming data like tweets, news stories, comments, links from an RSS feed, etc. Then train a model or several such models in a continuous loop to predict whether I will like something or not. I'm looking at tensorflow.js but still early stage.
😾 Oskar I think this is sort of every _computer_ person project idea with difference in scale and execution. You could constantly _teach_ your model and fine-tune it towards personal preference, however, this could be hard task in itself. I think this is more like 'recommend' than 'predict'. Yet, if constantly fine-tuned based on streamed data, recommendations would evolve. Tbh, I'd consider it a complex project and reason why people mostly default to categorizing their content well
4y, 20w 1 reply
😾 Oskar What do you think about modification made to Vockler Rule by financial regulators? This opens banks to investment in PE sec.gov/news/press...
4y, 20w reply ¬
👂 Sly Feedback thread: The minimalist aspect of subreply is actually pretty good, but i think missing some features might make it hard for some to follow/start meaneanful conversation.| The first feature that comes to mind is multi-line support with [shift + enter].| The second one is an edit button or a way to reply on your own thread.| The third one is the highlight of new replies in the replies tab.| the fourth would be collapsible threads.| finally, 480 characters per reply is
😾 Oskar I am somehow annoyed by lack of intuitive topic navigation. I'd prefer to have some tab with N new/popular/rising topics. Taking into consideration size of subreply this would currently work better than Feed which I don't even visit (Yes, I follow people). Suprise factor vs Personalization. I take suprise factor!
4y, 20w 2 replies
😀 Tom I never thought I'd buy a Mac, but I saw a 2006 iMac at a thrift store, so I decided why not. 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 24 inch screen 1920x1200, 250 GB of spinning rust. I'll look online to see what I can upgrade. A preliminary search shows that the Intel chipset will only recognize up to 3 GB of RAM. I'll see if I can replace the the HDD with an SSD, and maybe even the CPU.
😾 Oskar Why 2006? Seems pretty old, what will you be using it for? I've never owned a Mac, heard a lot of good about 2015 Airs. I, obviously, love Thinkpads, had few, but I still own X230 13" i5/16GB ram/7200rpm and it's awesome with long battery life and speed sufficient for anything I need.
4y, 20w 4 replies
🤔 David I figure it'd be easy to scrape at regular intervals and then use the collected data to update some figures, such as: average posts per hour; content length; active users; URLS linked; active threads.
😾 Oskar dvaun, you collected anything? I am thinking about topic/reply discovery for subreply. This probably should be internal feature, but nevertheless - setting up crawler on _Search_ every N minutes, collect post, categorize as topic/reply, measure activity (no. replies, time, other metadata), present in some minimal-style dashboard (maybe put on github and just run locally to simplify things?). Thinking about it now, every _scrapable_ tab can provide potentially useful metrics.
4y, 20w 1 reply
🤔 David Hehe, based on some of the discussions yesterday around scraping subreply I went and bought metareply.net. It'd be fun to have a community project to play with! If you're interested in working on it here and there let me know :) and that goes for anyone else too!
😾 Oskar Yeah, I can put some work in. There are few problems however. We don't know roadmap for subreply so it very well may be that we will be reinventing the wheel along . It would be great if some parts of it could be open sourced. Anyway, do you have something particular in mind? I am for discussing it openly here, maybe somebody will chip in.
4y, 20w 4 replies
🧉 Martin So, what's everyone up to today? In my remaining few months of "funemployment", I'm working on a language-learning app idea and hoping to get something out there before I run out of time.
😾 Oskar funemployment, nice one. I am also funemployed, working on vertical search engine and web directory for technical texts. The 'fun' part seems to run it's course and now I am kind of struggling to finish project and not get distracted (thanks subreply!)
4y, 20w 1 reply
📉 Bill Is cryptocurrency dead? Haven't heard much lately
😾 Oskar Bitcoin is sooo last decade. However, Bitcoin may halted it's aggressive expansion but the blockchain in general didn't. I see a lot of projects still adopting technology and actually finding some use cases. Sad reality is that until BTC stays tied to fiat pricing it will just be a fun-token. Actually it's nice that bubble ended, this limited idiots and scammers competing for clown award of the year. I am still somehow optimistic on crypto in long run.
4y, 20w reply
😾 Oskar So, anybody has some data driven project in mind with which he needs collaboration? Mining, analysis, classification, querying etc. Commercial or not.
🤔 David Hehe, based on some of the discussions yesterday around scraping subreply I went and bought metareply.net. It'd be fun to have a community project to play with! If you're interested in working on it here and there let me know :) and that goes for anyone else too!
📚 Terry Mcginnis I've been thinking about how to do automatic moderation and personal feed curation. The idea is to look at incoming data like tweets, news stories, comments, links from an RSS feed, etc. Then train a model or several such models in a continuous loop to predict whether I will like something or not. I'm looking at tensorflow.js but still early stage.
4y, 20w 2 replies
🤖 Razi i agree, it was feudalism reloaded until decentralization began... plantlab.com is my favorite in this space
😾 Oskar Localism is definitely an option. But how much market can it secure? Don't forget that a lot of agro outputs goes for farm animal feeding and I can see people limiting their meat uptake by some % but not dropping it significantly (I tried, felt very bad). I like developments in microbial soil management, there are many companies in this space trying to isolate beneficial microbes for crop protection and phosphor upping without synthetic solutions. Ie. plutonbio.com
4y, 20w reply
🍃 Matt Harwood Sad result. Duda's comments such as "[being gay] is more destructive than communist indoctrination" mean a further step back for a country where the young want a more liberal, inclusive future.
😾 Oskar Niby czlowiek wiedzial, a jednak sie ludzi. Well, it's a win for current president for sure, but looking at pools it's clearly visible that social mandate for his party programs is actually dropping. They are not gaining anybody new with all of those money spent and _marketing_ made, just old electorate voting as the vote for last 10-15 years. I am more concerned for elections in incoming years seeing as PL gets more and more into some weird concept of nationalism.
4y, 20w reply
Dan Heath Who can share an example of technology initially used in a personal context which has shifted into a business/enterprise environment?
😾 Oskar Most of early agriculture technology. I actually asked here if shift from small scale farming to industrialization of agriculture is not just feudalism reloaded.
4y, 20w 3 replies