😾 Oskar So, anybody has some data driven project in mind with which he needs collaboration? Mining, analysis, classification, querying etc. Commercial or not.
📚 Terry Mcginnis I've been thinking about how to do automatic moderation and personal feed curation. The idea is to look at incoming data like tweets, news stories, comments, links from an RSS feed, etc. Then train a model or several such models in a continuous loop to predict whether I will like something or not. I'm looking at tensorflow.js but still early stage.
😾 Oskar I think this is sort of every _computer_ person project idea with difference in scale and execution. You could constantly _teach_ your model and fine-tune it towards personal preference, however, this could be hard task in itself. I think this is more like 'recommend' than 'predict'. Yet, if constantly fine-tuned based on streamed data, recommendations would evolve. Tbh, I'd consider it a complex project and reason why people mostly default to categorizing their content well
4y, 7w 1 reply
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📚 Terry Mcginnis I haven't set up the pipeline yet so I can't tell you if it's complicated or not but the idea is simple enough. I looked at how neural networks can be used to do clustering and the initial model would just do basic clustering of taking headlines and bucketing them by topic like tech, science, politics, fashion, math, physics, etc. I found some relevant results like SOMs: en.wikipedia.org/w.... I have an idea of how to do it slightly differently.
4y, 7w reply