I'm just trying to figure out how the world works.
🌌 Cosmicpackage software as a service: an application which sits in the cloud, along with user data
4y, 9w 1 reply
🌌 Cosmicpackage Someday, I'd like to launch a SaaS app. What would be some great ways to promote it, if I am on a $0 budget?
❄️ Geoff Create something that solves a problem you have. Find other people with the same problem (by where you looked to solve the problem)
🌚 Nlggers That's difficult to say. It may be preferable to acquire a modest budget to work with before attempting to promote it. Perhaps word of mouth, but of that I am unsure in terms of the odds of success. Maybe if it's really useful and provides a lot of value to the user then word of mouth could be a vector for successful promotion.
😌 Ismail build community I assume. community around the problem that you are solving.
Cole Hudson In lieu of a community: product hunt, indie hackers, wip.chat, hacker news, twitter, a mailing list, or a niche subreddit are all good venues for launching. As I understand it, the received wisdom is that word-of-mouth-type organic growth is king, hence anything you can do to encourage that is best. I would encourage you to check out Pioneer too (pioneer.app)
😏 Yt L. What kinds of software and service are you thinking about? Some are probably more likely to do sans budget than others.
💡 Diff If you don't have a cash budget, then you'll have to pay with time. Find people affected by the problem you're solving. Hang out in the areas those kinds of people do. Spend your time tracking down the people who need your service, because without cash it isn't going to advertise itself.
Luke F. find the community that'd use that app. plug into that
4y, 9w reply
🌮 Hejo Good morning fellas.
🌌 Cosmicpackage Good morning!
4y, 9w reply