M_dow Faced a fear today: I went to the gym for the first time since March. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Working out with a mask isn't great, but it's not awful. I was wearing a disposable one...I don't think I would have made it in a re-usable one.
🔻 Trinity If you're in a hot state I would highly recommend staying home. Gyms are some of the most dangerous places in terms of spreading respiratory illnesses because physical activity leads to elevated heart rate, which leads to more respiration. Masks (especially cloth ones) can only help so much.
4y, 7w 1 reply
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M_dow Thanks for your concern. I'm balancing the importance of being physically active (and losing weight, because my current obesity is also a risk factor) against the risks of being in a gym. For a long time I could take walks outside, but the weather in the last few weeks has really made outdoor activity unbearable. As I mentioned above, indoor bodyweight workouts at home are not feasible either. Knowing I *can* use the gym helps me eliminate my excuses for not exercising.
4y, 7w reply