⚪ Ghostis What is everyone doing for during quarantine?
📉 Bill Long hikes away from everyone
👾 Marty Fortunately I had built a home gym in August 2019
Craig Bjs Jogging for lower body/cardio and pushups for upper body.
🥨 Shruthi Pacing while on the phone
Xy cycling has really saved me these past few months. have been doing one 60-70 mile ride on the weekend with a few 20-30 mile rides throughout the rest of the week. i'm not losing weight or feeling any more conditioned, but it has had a considerable effect on my mind.
🌋 Pod Unk Isometrics, stationary bike, kettlebells. Walks (with mask).
Seth Kravitz Built out a whole regime of body weight exercises that I cycle through each day. Helping me to build a mentality that there really is no excuse for not working out, no matter where I am.
💻 Kernel Things are opening up here and I'm finally able to squash again... feels weird though.
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