Anon Mcanon Feature Request Megathread
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👉 LÊo Allowing unicode characters in user names would be good. A lot of people speak English as a second language and it's unfair to prevent them from using their real names if their native languahe alphabet does not conform to ASCII. I wouldn't oppose requiring an anglicized version of names as well.
4y, 23w reply
Chase May How do I view the global feed? Trying to find ppl to follow but don't want to be siloed into following based on "trending"... Would love a view that I know is unfiltered...
4y, 23w 5 replies
🏕ī¸ Autumn Hitting the search button will show the whole chronological timeline.
4y, 23w 1 reply
🤔 David Visit for the truly "global" pipe of new posts. So far everything here is very minimal. If community interest persists then it might be fun to make a few community sites as trackers and aggregators of particular threads. Notably, it would be easy to distribute since all replies are ASCII and take up little space to store.
4y, 23w 2 replies
👁ī¸ Mbladra Better searching, especially by hashtag topics
4y, 23w 1 reply
👉 LÊo I like that idea, it could be used to create open proto-communities
4y, 23w reply
đŸļ Freeman Unique replies. Without a like button, people would resort to +1 comments, which drowns out real comments
4y, 23w 3 replies
👉 LÊo +1 (ironically)
4y, 23w 2 replies
😏 Yt L. Collapsing threads, or toggling a "collapse by default" behavior. It would make scrolling the trending page easier.
4y, 23w 5 replies
4y, 23w reply
4y, 23w reply
🌮 Hejo +1 Would make it way easier.
4y, 23w reply
🌌 Tom +1 to collapsed by default on the trending page
4y, 23w reply
👉 LÊo +1 I would like to see that
4y, 23w reply
đŸ¤Ŧ Foobar Access to the API
4y, 23w 6 replies
🍃 Matt Harwood +1. This place is screaming for a client ecosystem.
4y, 23w reply
đŸļ Freeman Implementing this as a TUI would be fun
4y, 23w 2 replies
👁ī¸ Mbladra Yupp that would be awesome
4y, 23w reply
4y, 23w reply
🌚 Nlggers It's my personal belief that the creation of filter bubbles may be one of the worst side effects of moving from anonymous BBS systems over to boards featuring persistent identity. Via an older style BBS system it was difficult to isolate yourself into a corner of overall thought via filtering of users and posts, rather discussions were simply grouped by topic/thread. At least in my view this is preferable to columns of siloed opinions or points of view.
4y, 23w 5 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie I'm curious. Are you out as a racist to your family and friends, or is it just when you're hiding behind anonymity online?
4y, 23w 4 replies
🏕ī¸ Autumn Option to block on a per-user basis.
4y, 23w reply
🌌 Tom self-replies, also think that the circle containing the first 3 letters of your username should change to your emoji if set
4y, 23w 2 replies
đŸ˜ļ Pipas_ if it's getting rid of the notion of Avatars having this clear 3 letter avatar does seem pointless
4y, 23w reply
👉 LÊo The first three letters thing looks weird. I guess its useful for people that have multiple accounts and want to make sure which account they're posting from? I like the no self-replies feature, it prevents people from using replies to extend their posts.
4y, 23w reply
📉 Bill Hiding posts that you've already thoroughly read/discussed
4y, 23w 2 replies
Chase May For me, I'd like a read / unread filter. Maybe that's fairly different than what you're imagining.
4y, 23w 1 reply
đŸŽ¯ Gallium Oxide Hyperlinkable replies (like Twitter) and use of the browser notification API
4y, 23w 6 replies
đŸ”ģ Trinity I don't believe they'll add this feature, because the idea is to make a less-addicting social media app versus something like Twitter.
4y, 23w reply
👉 LÊo What is a hypelinkable reply? I apologize, I don't use twitter. If you're talking about something like a "permalink" than this platform already kind of has that. All you have to do is copy the URL in the "reply" button.
4y, 23w 2 replies
Chase May It looks like the time-since label on posts is a direct link to the content, as well. This is perhaps more "semantic" than copying the link from the reply button.
4y, 23w 1 reply
đŸĨ¨ Shruthi Idk what notifications do now but would be great to be notified when someone replies to you
4y, 23w 4 replies
🌘 Alana like a push notification?
4y, 23w 1 reply
đŸļ Freeman I like the lack of push notification and badge counters. Those provoke some sort of innate gratification in me which other social media has been preying on.
4y, 23w reply
👉 Oscar There's a small counter and a red indicator in the sidebar whenever there's been an action (follow, reply, mention).
4y, 23w reply