Prince life advice to your 22 year-old self? doesn't matter if you're younger or older than 22 at the moment.
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Raleigh Morgan Pursue everything that interests you, in the tiniest possible way each day, to allow room for many projects. These tiny investments will compound. Growth won't be perceivable day to day. But over time you'll learn your interests, learn your strengths, learn your particular brain's workways. You'll eventually narrow your interests to the ones that fit best, incorporating what you learned in other now-abandoned domains.
4y, 9w reply
😏 Yt L. "There's going to be this thing called Bitcoin. Buy a lot when you first hear about it, but not too much to ruin it. Sell it all at any price above 16k."
4y, 9w 1 reply
⚡ Kay right in the feels
4y, 9w reply
đŸŽ¯ Gallium Oxide Don't waste a minute seeking advice online. There is too much survivorship bias and overcorrecting of mistakes. Plus, on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
Ice which ironically is some sound online advice
4y, 9w reply
Prince happy to see another dog on the forums
4y, 9w reply
Low Rez Don't stress over hair loss, you'll end up shaving your head and you look way better, it's cheaper, easier to deal with and chicks super dig it.
4y, 9w reply
4y, 9w reply
Jesse The worst case isn't that bad. Do it!
4y, 9w reply
👍 Lorin H. Stop eating so much pizza and get some exercise jeeze
4y, 9w 1 reply
Prince perhaps you needed to get it out of your system
4y, 9w reply
đŸĻ„ Chip Uni Keep learning. Keep learning more.
4y, 9w 1 reply
Prince what kind of things?
4y, 9w reply
🛡ī¸ Cyrano What if I'm 22 right now?
Prince what advice do you need right now?
📉 Bill Time is the most precious asset in life
Prince when should you spend it?
Bat Also gold from Rosland Capital. Hi, I'm William Devane.
4y, 9w reply
🌋 Pod Unk You know nothing. Work out.
4y, 9w reply
Rsm Relax. God is in control.
4y, 9w reply
Prince do you think god meant for you to know this only now?
Nick S. neckbeard mode activated: I'll believe it when I have justified reason to
4y, 9w reply
đŸŽŖ Fish start journaling
Prince what do you wish you wrote down?
4y, 9w 1 reply
Andreas Smas Try new things, switch job often
4y, 9w reply
Jayden Live cheaply. The lifestyle costs and pressure from not having your own place, nice car, etc are the lowest they'll ever be for you.
🌋 Pod Unk Start a business instead of getting a job.
4y, 9w reply
Andrew Fr Read things.
Prince any things in particular?
Dav Chana eat good, don't be lazy, study hard, save money, don't worry much about 30s 40s 50s
4y, 9w 1 reply
Prince the 60s though...
4y, 9w reply
🏎ī¸ Fast drive faster, fear is exciting
4y, 9w 1 reply
Prince exhilaration is exhilaration
4y, 9w reply
🚀 Jason Lex Invest in Crypto
👉 LÊo and sell it all in December 2017
4y, 9w 1 reply
đŸ—ŋ Simohamed Learn to code 10 years ago.
Prince did it take 10 years to build up the will to learn to code, or is your 22 year old self simply unaware of the value within coding?
Xy whatever it is that you want to do, just follow through
Prince how do you know what's worth following through on?
🔮 Liv Getting what you want will take longer than you expect, but the journey will be way more interesting than you're imagining.
Prince what was more valuable, getting what you wanted or the journey?
4y, 9w 1 reply
Prince perhaps those people just weren't your crowd
4y, 9w reply
😾 Oskar Do drugs after 30, not before.
Prince what kind of drugs?
Michael Shang Depends on the drug, something like lsd done in your 20s can really help expand the mind.
4y, 9w 1 reply