🔻 Trinity
ah nah man, as a commie i can tell you: if someone wants to kill you for knowing something, they aren't a communist. the whole point is for knowledge to belong to the people
the first wave of CoViD-19 growing and growing for several months in the US. back in March, I expected to be in a strict quarantine until about now. it's depressing that that never happened and instead thousands upon thousands of people have died.
👉 Léo
That the people that just got here from Hacker News (me included) will never again log into their accounts and this website will end up with a bunch of inactive users.
🐨 James S.
Yeah, this is something that seems to be lost on some (not all, or even most) Americans - you can't position yourself as a moral/political leader and also tell other countries to butt out when it comes to their internal affairs.
👉 Léo
Normally people only get fired for doing something _very_ wrong or not doing right things quickly enough. I am confident you will be ok! Just apologize for whatever you said and move on.