Artist, graphics programming, WebVR
🦚 Kogicon
What 1 book has most changed your life, and why?
If I can't remember any, I guess I don't have a life changing book.. I do have many that I loved, that introduced me to a genre, or to the love of books..
4y, 22w
🎲 James York
This is a great point, and I have experienced it myself. I also have read articles in the past the posit that the "second language version" of you is more logical and less emotional: scientificamerican...
Scott Lamora
🌮 Hejo
The size of the universe.
What keeps you awake at night?
4y, 23w
6 replies
🦃 Andrey Petrov
hello world
Meetings that start after 4pm - why? Just. WHY?
What's one thing you are currently scared about?