Psychic traveler
Miso What's one thing you are currently scared about?
Burensasub The dreaded pointless meeting! It affects all professions!
👽 Nik Rajpal and what's your profession?
4y, 23w 1 reply
Diva I work in the Civil Service. How about you?
👽 Nik Rajpal Software. I suppose managers exist everywhere
4y, 23w 1 reply
Diva Uh oh... Senior managers are on the warpath! They're saying a meeting is the only way to sort things out. DON'T DO IT! It's a TRAP!
👽 Nik Rajpal What's your profession?
4y, 23w 4 replies
🦝 Wojciech I got so mad at my Thinkpad X390 that I bought an X230. I'm switching in a few days, and will just send the X390 for warranty repairs repeatedly until they either fix it or get bored and give me my money back. (It's already been there four times)
👽 Nik Rajpal I didn't know they still sold the X230! I used the 2012 model for four years. Great form factor.
4y, 23w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin On the profile status or reply box? For reply box there's an unicode to ascii converter. All emojis should work for profiles excluding duplicates.
👽 Nik Rajpal On both. When I try to use the USA flag emoji in this reply, , it posts the reply without the emoji
4y, 23w reply
👽 Nik Rajpal I can't seem to use the flag emojis on this site. Is that intentional?
🏒 Lucian Marin On the profile status or reply box? For reply box there's an unicode to ascii converter. All emojis should work for profiles excluding duplicates.
4y, 23w 1 reply
Sergiusz Sometimes I want to support some project, but it requires logging into PayPal or smith like that, and I just want to push one button
👽 Nik Rajpal Apple pay seems to solve that problem given that all of the payment information can be verified with touch or face ID
4y, 23w 1 reply
Diva How did you mark the holiday?
👽 Nik Rajpal I reflected on the history of the USA and wrote down some of the themes I identified as contributing to our current situation. I also watched the fireworks!
4y, 23w 1 reply
Diva Happy 4th of July to those who celebrate!
👽 Nik Rajpal Happy 4th of July to you too!
4y, 24w 3 replies
👽 Nik Rajpal Life tip: take a photo before potentially meaningful events (like meeting someone new for the first time) to use as a visual reference in the future
4y, 24w 1 reply ¬
🍵 Neo That's a good idea. I find music in that sense similar too. If I listen to a specific song before a meaningful event, I can listen to that song again and recall the event easily.
4y, 24w reply
Miso Pizza is in the oven. Now we wait.
👽 Nik Rajpal hey! I noticed that the fade out effect on posts on does not render correctly on iOS
4y, 24w 3 replies
👽 Nik Rajpal Interesting term I heard today: "Aperspectival madness" encyclopedia.uia.o...
4y, 24w 1 reply ¬
Sergiusz This encyclopaedia is a great place to look for a target in your life
4y, 24w reply
Empty What other online communities are you a part of? What's your favorite thing about that community?
👽 Nik Rajpal created by is gathering steam. People tell their stories (real and fictional) and others respond with anecdotes of their own
4y, 24w 6 replies
👽 Nik Rajpal Most names have interesting meanings. Michael means "who is like god?" Nikhil means "without boundaries". What does your name mean?
Sergiusz Servant
🐵 David I am fastidious. That's all. :-)
💻 Kernel kernel panic is something we don't like to see, kernel pancakes though...
🏒 Lucian Marin It means light, but now I'm confused about its origin, English or Latin.
🦝 Wojciech I am apparently a "joyous warrior" or, "the one who enjoys war". Oh well.
4y, 23w reply
💻 Kernel Here we like to complain about money and that everything is just a little too expensive, guess which country
👽 Nik Rajpal it must be the bay area
4y, 25w 1 reply