~ 106y old
🌚 Nlggers I think all censorship should be deplored. My position is that bits are not a bug - that we should create communications technologies that allow people to send whatever they like to each other. And when people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can't be sent, we should fight back - both politically through protest and technologically through software.
💎 2083uunx88nx39x 100%, and I wanted to comment on your name: I like it but I have a background as to why. I have a really diverse set of friends and since we were kids we constantly called each other the most offensive shit we could think of. Why? Dumbass kid stuff. But, I firmly believe that that's one thing that brought us together and 30 years later we're still tight. Basically it feels like it puts everyone on the level you know?
4y, 14w 4 replies
💎 2083uunx88nx39x Man it took the Russian propaganda bots all of what, 10 minutes to plant roots in this shit? (Don't be stupid, I'm referring to you)
4y, 14w reply ¬
💎 2083uunx88nx39x Man it took the Russian propaganda bots all of what, 10 minutes to plant roots in this shit? (Don't be stupid, I'm referring to you)
4y, 14w reply ¬
Zero Edge Most content consumption leads to anger, hate, and mental pain. Not consuming content leads to mellowness and peace but an uninformed stance. I used to think the world was "nice" and most people were "good" but it seems harder and harder to find those things I used to think. Is the internet just very good at highlighting the "edge cases". Does the internet accurately represent the world and its opinion as a whole or is it just edge case after edge case.
💎 2083uunx88nx39x Well according the UN more than half of the world doesn't have access to the internet so I would say no, not the worlds. As for the people who do and the content they create if you look closely you'll find that you're probably having more negative content pushed on you than you realize. Media, advertisers etc. know that negativity gets clicks.
4y, 14w reply
💎 2083uunx88nx39x My girl Corona-Chan bout to be doin work in the next couple of weeks. Looks like Darwin is back on the job boiz
4y, 14w reply ¬
💎 2083uunx88nx39x INB4 alien life responds to CETI communications attempts with deep fakes of political leaders.
4y, 14w reply ¬
Miso What's one thing you are currently scared about?
💎 2083uunx88nx39x Artificial General Intelligence
4y, 14w reply