LAMP admin, web app developer, free speech absolutist, comedic fourth descriptive statement
Diva Wishing everyone Season's Greetings! Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!
🔚 Bort Simpson happy new year!
3y, 36w reply
😀 Tom Do any of y'all have a completely normal (non-vulgar) word that you hate? For me it's "ossify".
Irv Coro On a journey to learn Javascript. Can any JS devs recommend resources for beginners?
🔚 Bort Simpson What proved useful for me was to define some project that I wanted to build, then just approach it step-by-step. Try to think of something simple that you'd like to use, then set out to build it. Also, disregard every condescending dickhead who insists you use this or that framework. Try 'em all out and go with what you like.
4y, 4w 1 reply
Miso Favorite text editor?
🔚 Bort Simpson SublimeText on macOS, vim whenever I'm SSHed into a box.
4y, 4w reply
🚴 Aditya How's everyone doing?
🔚 Bort Simpson Great, had an excellent weekend, wished my dad a happy birthday, spent 10 hours at the studio recording a golden gem, then a great / fun band practice today. Unfortunately I'm having another wave of insomnia, just spent 2 hours lying awake in bed. How are you?
Miso Pitcher of cold brew in the fridge is a wonderful idea at this time of year. Do you buy it or do you do it yourself?
🔚 Bort Simpson I brew it myself. Nothing complicated, just grind 4oz regular, 8oz decaf, and 4oz French chicory, dump in a pitcher and fill with water, then let it steep overnight. Definitely nice to have when it's 90oF!
4y, 5w reply
Miso How many coffees per day? I'm currently at 3 to 4, depending on how much work needs to be done
🔚 Bort Simpson Varies between 1-5 daily, I always have a pitcher of cold brew in the fridge. However, I brew 1 part regular, 2 parts decaf, 1 part chicory (also decaf). It's not super strong, but tastes great and is enough of a kick to get the gears turning in the morning.
đŸĩ Neo What music/songs have you been listening to lately?
🔚 Bort Simpson Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, the entire Echo & the Bunnymen catalog, Fear - Fear (The Record), Bad Brains - Banned in DC, plus all the old standbys
4y, 8w 1 reply
đŸ§ŋ Andrea What is your best kept secret life hack? Mine: if you're feeling sick (high fever, food poisoning, etc) and don't drink coke regularly, a half litter of frizzy full sugar coke and a pan fried piece of bread (naan works well) will do you miracles
🔚 Bort Simpson Velcro ties on all cables. Can't tell you how much grief this has saved me as well as dramatically extending the life of my cables / gear.
4y, 8w 1 reply
Yo Dude Amazon is running a huge deal on Apple AirPods, the brand new is only $128 and thats $30 less than elsewhere! But here is what no one else will tell you! If you look at the used products session, same amazon is selling one for just $98, its used but comes with a guarantee!!!
🔚 Bort Simpson nice spam you fucking retard
đŸĻš Kogicon What 1 book has most changed your life, and why?
🔚 Bort Simpson 1984. Painted a plausible nightmare portrait of authoritarianism and thought control; is more relevant today than it's ever been.
4y, 8w 1 reply
Miso Do you play any games?
🔚 Bort Simpson Gears of War, OpenTTD, Heroes of Might & Magic III
4y, 8w 1 reply
🔚 Bort Simpson As someone who has worked in a LAMP / web admin environment for a decade without using Python, what are the most common use cases for Python?
Dan Heath Working in IT networking - Python is the defacto launchpad for NetDevOps. Most integrations, SDKs, tutorials to coax network engineers away from CLI are based on Python.
4y, 8w reply
Rafael Soto I have decided to give back to my community. All Bitcoin sent to my address below will be sent back doubled. I am only doing a maximum of $50,000,000. bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh Enjoy!
🔚 Bort Simpson EPIC joke amigo! This! Have an updoot, frienderino!
4y, 8w 1 reply
👉 LÊo I am confident your question is rhetoric, but I will take the bait. My answer is that ultimately what determines which words or gestures are provocative is the culture in which you are inserted. There can be friction when members of different cultures interact. To avoid friction, we could try to be aware of the conventions in other cultures and (as an act of kindness) try to avoid things that may be offensive or hurtful for other people, so all feel welcome.
🔚 Bort Simpson It seems easy in theory, but in reality any multicultural space will include groups with conflicting ideals and goals, i.e. Fundamental Islam and LGBTQ. It is expected that you will side with your ideological cohorts over your ideological opponents in any contest of ideas or cultures, which are certain to occur given a wider range of cultures inhabiting the same space and competing for the same resources (power, wealth, influence, etc.) within that space.
4y, 8w reply
🤔 David Since it's the morning and people are awake I'll share this again--I got collapsible comments to sorta work nicely under the Trending page: see the last comment on there for the CSS and let me know how it works out
🔚 Bort Simpson Cool man, nice work
4y, 9w reply