Miso What's one thing you are currently scared about?
Stephen The future of America. I'm not American but it will have an impact on the rest of the world..
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⌨️ Joseph I'm so disappointed with our response to COVID. It's mind boggling how bad we did.
4y, 9w 1 reply
❤️ Brian Mcdonough Nature is a mystery to even the most adept and experienced scientists. Attaching ourselves to a few data points and using that to feel may mean that we're looking for a reason to feel that way.
4y, 9w reply
🐨 James S. Yeah, this is something that seems to be lost on some (not all, or even most) Americans - you can't position yourself as a moral/political leader and also tell other countries to butt out when it comes to their internal affairs.
4y, 9w reply
🎛️ Mesut Ucar future of humanity is the most frightening
4y, 9w reply