A poster boy for disappointment. PHP, JS, Design, Philosophy.
Burensasub I am also in no rush to head back to the office full time. I love having lunch breaks at home!
🧬 Thomas Tell me about it. The 5 second journey to the kitchen is so satisfying
4y, 2w reply
Adsr I went to my workplace the other day and had similar feelings about it. I don't like seeing it deserted, and it's not going to be the way it used to be at least in the foreseeable future . I guess remote work is the new normal now. Not complaining though; I've managed to find my rhythm.
🧬 Thomas My return-to-office date has been pushed to Jan 2021 at the earliest. Which I'm quite happy with...working from home is quite liberating and work/life balance has never been better... I sort of miss wearing a shirt though!
😀 Tom I crack open a nice cold can of Mtn Dew.
⌨️ Joseph Anything that uses a french press is super good. :)
🧬 Thomas I agree. No fuss, no fancy tools. Just the coffee and the water.
4y, 2w reply
🏀 Pr remarkable.com/sto... anyone gonna pre-order? looks enticing, but not sure i need it?
🧬 Thomas I wanted to get excited by this, but it's actually pretty big. Almost a sheet of A4 paper. Still lots of lag re-rendering the eink too..
4y, 2w reply
🤔 David If anyone wants to watch a great documentary then definitely check this one out.
🧬 Thomas Yeah, it's good.
4y, 8w reply
🐢 Xia Someone posted this a couple hours ago: I hate the news. aaronsw.com/weblog...
🧬 Thomas Nice, thanks sharing this
4y, 9w reply
🐽 Zxh Wow, the latest MBP, how is that feel?
🧬 Thomas To be honest - now I've had it for a few months, I can't really tell if there's any difference between the 2013 MBP it replaced...
4y, 9w reply
🍃 Matt Harwood Does it need a clear focus? If, like you say, there are subreddits for everything you need, maybe it works to have subreply as a group chat, exposing us to things we might not normally talk about? :)
🧬 Thomas It's really hard to remember which conversations you've chosen to participate in.
4y, 9w reply
👍 Lorin H. Surface Pro 6 - which is lovely, although I'm mostly using desktop these days.
🧬 Thomas Nice bit of kit. You running Linux on it?
4y, 9w reply
📉 Bill What laptop does everyone use?
🧬 Thomas 2020 16" Macbook Pro - work issued. 12" 2015 Macbook for personal stuff.
Dan Heath - how do I use subreply on iOS? Hitting the return key just adds a new line and won't post. Am I missing something? Default iOS keyboard and Safari.
🧬 Thomas You're probably hitting 'done' rather than return.
4y, 9w 1 reply
Xy i like having twitch irl streams running in the background that i don't need to pay attention to. it gives me that coffee shop vibe i miss, which i know not everyone enjoys, but works for me.
🧬 Thomas This sounds intriguing. Any particular sorts of streams?
👁️ Mbladra Would you take a 20% paycut for a 4-day work week?
🧬 Thomas No. Generally people end up doing 5 days worth of work in 4 days - so your salary should remain the same. Productivity goes up in a shorter work week.
4y, 9w reply
🔚 Bort Simpson subreply.com is a fascist, racist hive of angry white incel nerds. you're on the wrong side of history
🧬 Thomas My son is also named Bort.
👌 Ramsey "Lofi beats to chill/study to"
🧬 Thomas Yep same.
4y, 9w reply