⌨️ Joseph What operating systems are people using here? I have to use Windows 10 at work, but at home I've been rocking Fedora.
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The Last Linux at work because of its file system, Win10 at home for entertainment purposes and UI efficientcy.
4y, 9w reply
🎣 Fish after staying win 7 for years and years i just switched to 10
4y, 9w reply
🗨️ Fui Linux user since 2002. Yay, Linux!
4y, 9w reply
🧿 Andrea I used to use MacOS at work, but now that I'm stuck at home I've been enjoying my Win10 alienware A LOT
4y, 9w reply
⚾ Tbeseda Win 10 + WSL2 w/ Ubuntu works nicely
4y, 9w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph I'm a big fan of WSL2. Works quite well.
4y, 9w reply
🛡️ Cyrano arch linux ^_^
4y, 9w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph I've dabbled. Kinda got tired of troubleshooting random things. Really nice once you get it setup though.
4y, 9w reply
🐧 Aditya I use arch btw
💩 Niklas me too. -- an arch user
🥝 Mr macOS & Win10
4y, 9w reply
⌚ Will Ubuntu! 20.04 here because I prefer LTS as it lets me upgrade less often. One thing I did when I upgraded from 18.04 was a full wipe and reinstall, then scripted the installation of everything, so now I have a bash script that can take a fresh debian install and make it feel like home. Including SDKs, Wallpaper, Apache etc
4y, 9w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph I have something similar! When I was super into customization, I wrote a script that would take the minimal Ubuntu install and would download/install everything I needed.
4y, 9w reply
👂 Sly OSX & Manjaro.
4y, 9w reply
Ganesh Khade Elementary OS, with i3wm.
4y, 9w reply
🚴 Aditya btw I use arch
4y, 9w reply
👾 Marty Pop OS and OSX
4y, 9w reply
🌚 Cosmo Arch Linux at home, Manjaro at work. I'm blessed.
⌨️ Joseph Nice! Do you work as a web dev? I'm stuck with Windows, we're a .Net Framework shop.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🔻 Trinity debian 10.4 because it's linux but very simple. i grew up on 98se and xp but i think win10 soured NT for me. i used 7 for a while earlier this year for a couple programs but now i'm on debian for good because windows is terribly unproductive for my uses - no good terminal (powershell sux), necessary guis, etc.
4y, 9w reply
😞 Rish Manjaro Linux, using it for 5 years now. Love the stability
4y, 9w reply
📎 Bill Gatess Arch Linux at home and MacOS at work. To be honest, I have never been able to be productive on Windows.
🧔 Justin Identical setup for me. I had an internship a few years ago where I had to use Windows and the lack of productivity enabling features was very frustrating. MacOS isn't a ton better in this regard, though.. why isn't "always on top" a feature on every platform?
🤔 Dave I am using Manjaro on my home desktop, Ubuntu 18.04 on my work desktop (which I haven't seen in a while) and elementaryOS on my laptop (which is 11 years old and rarely ever used). I also have Windows 10 as a dual boot option on my home machine for Lightroom+Photoshop and gaming. I was on Windows 7 as my main OS until about half a year ago and I am very happy about the switch to Linux.
4y, 9w reply
🍃 Matt Harwood I'm on Win 10, after many years (15+) on Fedora and other *nix OSes. I tried Win 10 for nostalgia (my early teens on Windows) and forgot to uninstall. To be honest, 99% of everything is a browser now... so makes little difference for me!
4y, 9w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph Honestly, Windows has been making some moves that make it much more appealing to me. The Windows terminal, WSL2 and winget package manager are awesome tools.
4y, 9w reply