Zero Edge Most content consumption leads to anger, hate, and mental pain. Not consuming content leads to mellowness and peace but an uninformed stance. I used to think the world was "nice" and most people were "good" but it seems harder and harder to find those things I used to think. Is the internet just very good at highlighting the "edge cases". Does the internet accurately represent the world and its opinion as a whole or is it just edge case after edge case.
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Dee N. It depends on where you decide to look. Filtering is the ultimate problem. News can be addictive, moderation is difficult. My rule of thumb is to frequent places with active and stimulating conversations. Avoid Twitter, FB. Maintain a selection of subreddits which you like and actively leave the ones that start to get polluted.
4y, 23w reply
Mike Ex Just a handful of people can spoil your perception of the others but it doesn't speak to the fact that the others are also as bad.
4y, 23w reply
🗨ī¸ Fui Assumption 1: content consumption leads to hate, etc. Assumption 2: no consumption the opposite. Those are just that, assumptions. Anecdata: I know several people that consume a lot of content and are fairly peaceful, as I know people who don't consume and are assholes.
4y, 23w reply
👉 LÊo The 1% rule ( ) states that, as a rule of thumb, only 1% of users actually engage and create content. So yeah, the internet is good at giving a voice to the edge cases. Most people are normal (whatever that means).
4y, 23w reply
💎 2083uunx88nx39x Well according the UN more than half of the world doesn't have access to the internet so I would say no, not the worlds. As for the people who do and the content they create if you look closely you'll find that you're probably having more negative content pushed on you than you realize. Media, advertisers etc. know that negativity gets clicks.
4y, 23w reply
👉 Oscar Have you read local newspapers? That might be a way for you to restore some faith in humanity. Mainstream media tend to have one or another form of political agenda so in turbulent times they can get rather nasty.
4y, 23w 1 reply
Dee N. That is a sensible way. I have ignored the paper for long now.
4y, 23w reply
đŸŒĒī¸ Angelino Desmet You might find this insightful: I Hate the News - Aaron Swartz
4y, 23w 2 replies
4y, 23w reply
Dee N. "Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. What people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity." - Aaron Swartz
4y, 23w reply
🍁 Tom Canuck Do you think the 1% rule is true, that for every 99 people who read something, only one will post? If that's the case, then everything on the internet is an edge case.
4y, 23w 1 reply
Gaby Dewilde Posting some crap some place barely gets readers. Out of thousands of posters only few write real articles and much fewer write them on the big echo chamber outlets. All the others just echo what they read there. Some 0.0001% gets all the readers and it takes a specific kind of person to get there.
4y, 22w reply
🌚 Nlggers Filter bubbles certain contribute to losing a sense of what other people think. ie: wordlist filters, user blocking functions, ect...
4y, 23w reply
🌊 Zero Two Just don't care about it. Limit your emotional response.
4y, 23w 2 replies
đŸ¤Ŧ Foobar Although this is a philosophy that I subscribe to, it's a very naive to tell someone this. There are things that illicit emotional responses involuntarily.
4y, 23w reply
đŸšĢ Zero Bomb So even there you have to be careful. As G.K. Chesterton puts it "Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference which is an elegant name for ignorance." So while I agree that withholding emotional response is a key to accurate thinking, we should not use that as an excuse to not care about real social problems.
4y, 23w reply
đŸ’Ē Joe Kinda boring tbh
4y, 23w reply
📚 Terry Mcginnis This is a pretty zen attitude.
4y, 23w reply
🐊 Andromeda Pie White people raped and pillaged the world for centuries. Now that we took their toys away they are throwing a hissy fit by being fascist right wing trolls. It's mainly white American men. Most people are alright. Don't let it get you down.
4y, 23w 26 replies
Zero Edge How can you weigh a person tho? Put your average person in a place of extreme power? How can anyone not be corrupt? Isn't that just part of human nature?
4y, 23w 6 replies
😏 Yt L. Non-white groups throughout history have done their share of rape and pillage. Why would you single out a specific race and gender to complain about their history?
4y, 23w 18 replies
đŸŽ¯ Gallium Oxide Don't be a doomer, dude. It's cringe af. There are plenty of good people in the world and most content on the internet is actually great. Highly organized political action groups and state actors are able to amplify propaganda using bots but that's easy to filter out. Just curate your feed.
4y, 23w 2 replies
Zero Edge What is news? You cannot consume news without picking a "side". Each side highlights the edges not the whole. Money + News is always corruptible as more views = more money. Humans are more inclined to watch violence over a person picking daisies. Highlight the violence. Make more money. There is no exit.
4y, 23w reply
Charlie Coppinger Kinda feels like this kinda rehetoric is a part of the problem; ergo, you've proven their point.
4y, 23w reply