Zero Edge Most content consumption leads to anger, hate, and mental pain. Not consuming content leads to mellowness and peace but an uninformed stance. I used to think the world was "nice" and most people were "good" but it seems harder and harder to find those things I used to think. Is the internet just very good at highlighting the "edge cases". Does the internet accurately represent the world and its opinion as a whole or is it just edge case after edge case.
🐊 Andromeda Pie White people raped and pillaged the world for centuries. Now that we took their toys away they are throwing a hissy fit by being fascist right wing trolls. It's mainly white American men. Most people are alright. Don't let it get you down.
4y, 23w 26 replies
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😏 Yt L. Non-white groups throughout history have done their share of rape and pillage. Why would you single out a specific race and gender to complain about their history?
4y, 23w 18 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie Of course they have. But I don't see any other groups spreading hate on subreply except white men. As soon as a Mongol shows up and threatens bigotry against non Mongols, I'll be sure to include them in my example.
4y, 23w 15 replies
🌚 Nlggers I'm not white I'm Jewish.
4y, 23w 1 reply
Zero Edge How can you weigh a person tho? Put your average person in a place of extreme power? How can anyone not be corrupt? Isn't that just part of human nature?
4y, 23w 6 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie Maybe. Just focus your attention elsewhere. It sounds like you need a break. Indulge in the arts. Artists are crazy in a good way. Right now subreply is not a great place for your to be since it doesn't have curation or ability to block people. Stay away if it's better for your mental health.
4y, 23w 5 replies