Zero Edge Most content consumption leads to anger, hate, and mental pain. Not consuming content leads to mellowness and peace but an uninformed stance. I used to think the world was "nice" and most people were "good" but it seems harder and harder to find those things I used to think. Is the internet just very good at highlighting the "edge cases". Does the internet accurately represent the world and its opinion as a whole or is it just edge case after edge case.
🍁 Tom Canuck Do you think the 1% rule is true, that for every 99 people who read something, only one will post? If that's the case, then everything on the internet is an edge case.
4y, 13w 1 reply
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Gaby Dewilde Posting some crap some place barely gets readers. Out of thousands of posters only few write real articles and much fewer write them on the big echo chamber outlets. All the others just echo what they read there. Some 0.0001% gets all the readers and it takes a specific kind of person to get there.
4y, 13w reply