🥝 Mr This website makes me realize that I've been trained to "reward" others for posting online. I feel an uncontrollable urge to "upvote" or "like" comments but quickly realize the button isn't available.
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💩 Niklas I feel the same, but that limitation actually got me to reply to one of your comments and while typing "I really like your perspective", I noticed I could also throw in my own and a follow-up question as well. So I think I prefer replies over simple binary likes.
4y, 6w 1 reply
🥝 Mr I agree, it definitely encourages more thoughtful responses. FB and other platforms 100% encourage likes. Even apple devices turn single button presses into confetti expositions and firework animations.
4y, 6w reply
🗨️ Fui ^ upvoted.
4y, 8w reply
❄️ Geoff Definitely a feature that it's missing
4y, 8w 1 reply
🥝 Mr I like it, but I'm still adjusting! I can't tell if modern web apps have changed my nature though, or if it's "natural" to look for an additional level of interaction that isn't just words on a page.
4y, 8w reply
🌊 Zero Two same. I also use the like/upvote button to show I seen your reply/message.
4y, 8w reply
👂 Sly I think it's a nice missing feature, it forces you to share your opinion instead of lurking and reacting with buttons.
Dan Heath This. Perhaps mass social media is missing out on the fact that simple positive or negative nods is a bit 1984. It feels more rewarding to acknowledge something by discussion. Imagine if in real life everyone just put their thumbs up when someone told a joke?
4y, 8w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph I think I have posted more comments on this site in 2 days than I have posted on Reddit in two years.
4y, 8w reply
☀️ Zadjii Not including this functionality is honestly a really neat stand-out feature of this site IMO. Even HackerNews has up/down votes for posts. I'm curious how this will affect the dynamic of this site - hopefully garbage comments like "+1" won't become the norm.
4y, 8w reply
😏 Yt L. I feel that urge too. There are a lot of posts I'd like here, but what I find off is that I only rarely like or upvote other on other social media. There's a positive energy here that's infectious, I feel.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🥝 Mr Good point, I don't engage much on other platforms even though I frequent them. Maybe it's because the content here appears genuine where 50% or more of content anywhere else feels like an advertisement of some kind (even if it's an individual trying to show off)
4y, 9w reply
🤔 David It's an odd feeling, isn't it? Perhaps the real reward stems from participation and free-flowing discussions that are motivated by our interest in the topic and conversations rather than attention-seeking behavior :)
🥝 Mr I agree, but I still have that impulse to find and click a like button somewhere. Crazy to think that there was a time before the like button. It's a distant memory now...
4y, 9w reply
🧉 Martin It really is. I also have this urge, and it feels almost impolite to not respond in some way (be it with a like, upvote, etc.) to a comment simply because I have nothing to add. I'm enjoying that Subreply is different enough to challenge something that's now almost a constant across almost all other forms of social media I can think of.