🥝 Mr This website makes me realize that I've been trained to "reward" others for posting online. I feel an uncontrollable urge to "upvote" or "like" comments but quickly realize the button isn't available.
👂 Sly I think it's a nice missing feature, it forces you to share your opinion instead of lurking and reacting with buttons.
Dan Heath This. Perhaps mass social media is missing out on the fact that simple positive or negative nods is a bit 1984. It feels more rewarding to acknowledge something by discussion. Imagine if in real life everyone just put their thumbs up when someone told a joke?
4y, 9w 1 reply
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👂 Sly Yeah, that would be very awkward, indeed. I wish it had better UX though, especially with threads, sometimes it's hard to notice where the fun is!
4y, 9w reply