👍 Lorin H. Lack of reporting of offensive content/usernames also poses a challenge. Goodbye.
3y, 42w reply
👍 Lorin H. Lack of reporting of offensive content/usernames also poses a challenge. Goodbye.
🤔 David I believe that if enough of us pushed for a blocklist on offensive names then we'd get a response.
🔚 Bort Simpson Agreed. I don't understand why Google and other companies don't ban certain words / phrases from the internet entirely. There is NO REASON why saying hurtful things should be protected by ANY 'Constitution,' anywhere. All you're doing is enabling violence and white supremacy, just like this website.
Scott Lamora Also need to be able to delete our accounts
3y, 42w 1 reply
Gregory Pissflaps Well this site is boring and useless. Bye!
3y, 42w reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin The side bezels on the XR makes you feel like you're holding a tiny tablet in your hands. The new Air is as powerful as my 2013 MacBook Pro, but it's a lot nicer.
☕ David Antoine They should release a new 12 inches MacBook Air in place of the actual MacBook 12"... And rename the MacBook Pro 13" simply MacBook. Just like before... It was more coherent... Their naming convention/scheme is strange. For iPhones as well... I also read somewhere they have filed a patent to included sensors behind the screen, like Samsung did. The notch is probably going bye-bye at some point...
5y, 26w 3 replies
📷 |\/| Missed the announcement about mail ceasing to be a free service :'(
5y, 43w 1 reply ¬
🐹 Adam Minccino Rip. Watch them kill off tripod next.
5y, 42w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Simplenote for macOS is now an Electron app. 3 processes, 40 threads, 120 MB of RAM, 150 MB of disk space just for taking notes. The old app had 1 process, 10 threads, 60 MB of RAM and only 5 MB of disk space.
Lois it's a joke. similarly nodeJS is the worst thing since ruby. theres literally not a single redeemable feature. and it has ruined web development. now everything has a build ritual. so hideously over complex now. and it's not even some kind of perf advantage. electron brought it to the desktop. good bye speedy desktop applications...
6y, 51w 2 replies
Dorcas Goodbye facebook.
Mark Dain Hello ... Twitter and Sublevel?
7y, 40w 1 reply
Martijn Got Safari Can't Connect to the Server again. Bye longer Sublevel note, you will never see the light of day.
🦿 Lucian Marin I wonder why this is happening only on Safari.
7y, 51w 7 replies
Mark Dain Goodbye 100 GB bandwidth cap. Hello 1 TB!
8y, 1w reply ¬
Mark Dain New Moon has the same problem as the first movie; the story/world isn't that bad, and I find myself liking parts of it, but overall I find it hard to connect with the characters as everyone seems to be on permanent dysfunctional mood swings. The introduction of werewolves was very well done, but the romance and the "Bella wants to be a vampire" mini story feels so rushed. One minute they're in love, then he's just "bye" and when she finds him, he's all "marry me". No wonder schoolgirls love this.
8y, 17w reply ¬
Mark Dain 2% and I don't have my charger... Goodbye music
8y, 28w reply ¬
Mark Dain OS X 10.11.1 is finally out! Goodbye Yosemite! i.imgur.com/dLm5hy...
Martijn Just grabbed the update. Don't know what changed, but it hung on the "setting up" screen for a long time.
Chris Gower I hope it behaves better than iOS 9.0.2 *sulks*
8y, 28w reply
Mark Dain Things Rust shipped without: null pointers, array overruns, data races, wild pointers, uninitialised addressable memory... graydon2.dreamwidt... Rust looks really cool. Thinking of giving it a spin
🦿 Lucian Marin arewewebyet.com is a good starting place.
8y, 44w 1 reply
💬 Subreply Goodbye reCAPTCHA! It's time for something simpler without JavaScript.
8y, 50w 1 reply ¬
Mark Dain I thought reCAPTCHA didn't rely on JS? Isn't there a fallback where you can copy the token after verifying?
8y, 50w reply
9y, 7w reply ¬
Adam Douglas Bye bye Android. Bye bye giant phone. Hello reasonably-sized iPhone 5. Life is good again. (Time until complaint about iOS keyboard: t minus 12 hrs 10 minutes)
John Olinda Is it the black version? I wish they would bring that color back.
Eric Exactly this. My iPhone 5's battery has become too unreliable now so I tried to use a spare HTC I have, the damn thing was so huge & awkward just to hold.
9y, 7w 1 reply