Perl janitor
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm starting to like Android a lot more with all its faults. I might go back to a mini iPhone with USB-C.
Adam Douglas I can't stand Android. I've tried, I had a Nexus 5 and a Galaxy Note in the past, always frustrated by the performance and the jankiness compared to iOS. Maybe things are better now, been a while to be fair.
5y, 45w reply
Adam Douglas It was funny to see the BBC try to soften Attenborough's message yesterday. For instance, they changed his message (I'm also paraphrasing): "extinction is on the horizon" to "climate change /could/ be the most serious problem ahead of us" -- there's just no point in trying if you're relying on mainstream press to broadcast what you're saying. It was already kind of daft to address the UN anyway, what will that accomplish?
5y, 46w reply ¬
Adam Douglas Finally replaced my iPhone 5s. It was a tough decision, but I went for the iPhone 7. It's not too much bigger, very tactile in jet black, and the 128GB storage is much more comfortable for music compared to the 16GB I had before. iPhone 7 was a good price and I don't need extra weight for wireless charging.
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm starting to like Android a lot more with all its faults. I might go back to a mini iPhone with USB-C.
5y, 45w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I wonder if it's possible to build a zeppelin made out entirely of aluminum. Or just use aluminum for the main parts: helium chambers and propeller. Carbon fiber could be used for the rest of the aircraft.
Adam Douglas Just reminded me of this for some reason: poor Madeline
7y, 21w reply
John Olinda So what are you all up to? I'm working on prepping for a wedding photography shoot, trying to clean the house up at the end of a renovation, and reading A Mind for Numbers.
Adam Douglas Working on some open source stuff, mentoring a fledgling web developer, building a bespoke website for an IT provisioning/crypto company, doing a couple of Wordpress sites for a mate.
7y, 21w reply
Eric Please don't trivialise deaths of innocents. The threat of terror is very real. Conspiracies are fun but often inappropriate.
Adam Douglas I didn't trivialise anybody's death. Kindly buzz off.
7y, 21w reply
Mark Dain So I didn't believe this last time it happened either -- but wasn't there a 'terrorist attack' recently during the middle of some Brexit talks? Fool me once...
Adam Douglas Back in March. Some nutter tried to mow people down with a car and stabbed a police officer before being shot. Not sure about that one, didn't smell like bullshit to me at the time. But you never know...
7y, 21w reply
Adam Douglas This terrorist attack is extraordinarily well-timed for the Conservatives, who were on the brink of meltdown hours before the attack took place. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but there's a real stink surrounding this whole election. There's no one to vote for. Liberal Democrats? Besides a reasonable tax increase (penny on the pound) I don't see them differing all that much from the incumbents. Labour wants to nationalise everything... big mistake. Sod it all. It's all nonsensical.
Mark Dain So I didn't believe this last time it happened either -- but wasn't there a 'terrorist attack' recently during the middle of some Brexit talks? Fool me once...
Eric Please don't trivialise deaths of innocents. The threat of terror is very real. Conspiracies are fun but often inappropriate.
7y, 21w 2 replies
Eric I wish Spotify would drop its dedication to the dark UI.
Adam Douglas You could always mess with the CSS yourself. There are browser plugins to enable custom styles to persist.
7y, 21w reply
Lois is that.. real? i mean could they actually do that? britains going to end up like china. i wonder if i could move to netherlands with my aunt...
Adam Douglas Yup. It's real. In ten years, Children of Men and V for Vendetta will be documentaries, not fictional films.
7y, 22w reply
😀 Tom > cereal + Voyager + code days all year That actually sounds great. I'm thinking about starting programming again. I don't think I'll be switching careers, but I miss programming.
Adam Douglas Honestly, open source development is the perfect hobby. You can play alone or with others, you can make friends and connections, yields good talking points for interviews and contract pitches, and you continually refine and hone your skills as a programmer.
7y, 22w reply
Lois is that.. real? i mean could they actually do that? britains going to end up like china. i wonder if i could move to netherlands with my aunt...
7y, 22w 1 reply
John Olinda Have any of you messed around with
Adam Douglas What is it?
7y, 22w 1 reply
John Olinda Yeah, so the Asus X200CA doesn't play well with OpenBSD. So onward to Void Linux!
Adam Douglas What's wrong with Gentoo? I'm joking of course; but why Void Linux? What's the attraction?
7y, 23w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Guess what I did these days, rewatched all Star Trek motion pictures. It feels good. No need for BBC.
Adam Douglas The day Netflix loses Star Trek is the day I cancel my subscription. Until then, it's unlimited Star Trek and even a sprinkling of Chinese cartoons when the mood takes me. Ah yes, that's the real benefit of freelancing 70% remotely to be honest: cereal + Voyager + code days all year.
7y, 23w 3 replies
Lois i don't know why people trust the BBC. it's just a propaganda machine for the government. granted, the other channels can't be trusted either because they'll produce or say anything for the ads/ratings. i just won't watch tv i think.
Adam Douglas It's nothing new. The BBC can't afford to put a foot wrong, so it panders to whomever can put it under financial pressure. Though years ago they still used to put some good programmes out. TV is worthless in an age where you can pick what you want and watch it when you want. I don't vouch for Netflix or any of the others, because the reality is you're paying for 6 shows that are worth watching and hundreds of shows you watch simply because it's there. I don't really bother watching anything now. Except Star Trek repeats.
7y, 23w 6 replies