Adam Douglas This terrorist attack is extraordinarily well-timed for the Conservatives, who were on the brink of meltdown hours before the attack took place. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but there's a real stink surrounding this whole election. There's no one to vote for. Liberal Democrats? Besides a reasonable tax increase (penny on the pound) I don't see them differing all that much from the incumbents. Labour wants to nationalise everything... big mistake. Sod it all. It's all nonsensical.
Mark Dain So I didn't believe this last time it happened either -- but wasn't there a 'terrorist attack' recently during the middle of some Brexit talks? Fool me once...
7y, 16w 1 reply
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Adam Douglas Back in March. Some nutter tried to mow people down with a car and stabbed a police officer before being shot. Not sure about that one, didn't smell like bullshit to me at the time. But you never know...
7y, 16w reply