👍 Lorin H. Lack of reporting of offensive content/usernames also poses a challenge. Goodbye.
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Scott Lamora Also need to be able to delete our accounts
4y, 9w 1 reply
👉 Oscar This is a good point. ? It's required by GDPR. What about when deleting an account, should the comments remain, with username "deleted" or something, or should they be deleted altogether? I would definitely prefer the former.
4y, 9w reply
🔚 Bort Simpson Agreed. I don't understand why Google and other companies don't ban certain words / phrases from the internet entirely. There is NO REASON why saying hurtful things should be protected by ANY 'Constitution,' anywhere. All you're doing is enabling violence and white supremacy, just like this website.
🧔 Justin How long does the same joke remain humorous?
4y, 9w reply
Michael Toomim Oh, you're doing that sarcasm thing.
4y, 9w reply
4y, 9w reply
🤔 David I believe that if enough of us pushed for a blocklist on offensive names then we'd get a response.
🍉 Lee Blocklists don't work. But simply having the option to report someone would be useful.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🧔 Justin There is one. The guy had his name changed but now repeatedly subverts it.
4y, 9w reply