Miso Favorite text editor?
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🔚 Bort Simpson SublimeText on macOS, vim whenever I'm SSHed into a box.
4y, 17w reply
Sibachian does Scrivener count?
4y, 18w reply
🐵 Max I've been using vscode for a while but not at even 20% of its potential I think.
4y, 18w reply
🧐 Nrmn Kakoune. After more than a decade of Vim and some NeoVim. Nothing could ever convince me to leave Vim. But then Kakoune came.
4y, 18w reply
4y, 18w reply
🚴 Aditya Another soul chiming in for neovim, sometimes with neovide!
4y, 18w reply
🦝 Wojciech I used to use VSCode, but recently as I switched to an old Thinkpad I started using Neovim. With CoC.nvim it supports language servers, which are what makes VSCode so great!
4y, 18w reply
Scott Dickson Visual Studio Code!
4y, 18w reply
🗨️ Fui I'm a bit torn on that. I like code-oss (open source version of VSCode), but a part of me is always a bit sad for not using something simpler, lighter, and CLI based. Electron based apps are huge memory hogs...
··· 4y, 18w reply
📟 Jens Emacs, but forever wishing for a better alternative. Keenly waiting for 4coder's next update, which brings support for programming languages other than C++.
4y, 18w reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. VSCode or Jetbrains products but I'm thinking about investing some time on vim/neovim/etc.. Can I learn more keyboard shortcuts ? I don't know !
4y, 18w reply
👂 Sly neovim all the way!
4y, 18w 4 replies
🗨️ Fui What makes neovim great? Can you expound on that?
4y, 18w 3 replies
🐢 Keb Sublime Text. Recently switched back to it after using VSCode and VSCodium for 2 years. I enjoy the snappiness of it. I'm looking at the Lite text editor by rxi, though.
4y, 18w 2 replies
🗨️ Fui What I dislike in Sublime is that it is closed source. Yes, very snappy, but that alone is enough to tolerate less than optimal text editors.
··· 4y, 18w 1 reply
Atsu Davoh Atom. Brackets is good as well.
4y, 18w 1 reply
🧐 Nrmn Tried Brackets because I thought it had a very clever idea with integrating context of other files into foldable lines. But it lacks modal editing.
4y, 18w reply
⌨️ Joseph Anything with vim bindings. I've been a fan of Doom Emacs lately. Neovim is pretty neat as well.
4y, 18w reply