Runlevelrobot Anybody know of any frameworks for blogging that allows for text based only blogs? I really love this
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4y, 8w reply
Dsasdf I recently created a blog using Hugo and hosted it on Vercel. It's actually stupidly simple. Go on Vercel, create a new Hugo template, clone it, apply a theme and push changes.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🌌 Tom +1 for Vercel
4y, 9w reply
Jayden I use iA Writer as a markdown text editor. It supports publishing to Ghost, Medium,, Micropub, and WordPress. I can't see a way to add media to my notes so even if the blogging framework used allows it, you'd have to go out of your way to do so.
4y, 9w reply
🌎 Justin Most markdown based static site generators, would be a good place to look; Zola ( is pretty simple and straightforward. You can setup GitLab or github pages to auto build, there's instructions in the docs.
4y, 9w reply
Cole Hudson Aaron actually created his own framework webpy way back when, more likely than not his blog is running on it too. You can find the modern incarnation here:
🤬 Foobar I actually did a project a few years ago when I was in college using webpy. It was really sad to see the documentation with things like "will come back to this later" and such.
🔻 Trinity Yes. It's called the Hypertext Markup Language. My website runs on it and each page is maybe a kilobyte each, plus most browsers since the 90s can render it.
😕 Fine That could be said for many generated static sites as well. Is there still a compelling reason to "roll your own"? Does that reason hold up if you get any more structurally complex than a few pages?
🌌 Tom check out next.js + mdx. powerful combination
4y, 9w 1 reply
🎸 Austin +1 for this, Next.js is magic.
4y, 9w reply
🤔 David Are you wanting an available WYSIWYG? Or are you fine with writing things up in Markdown and then rendering them?
Runlevelrobot I am ok with writing them up in markdown
📉 Bill Jekyll?
Runlevelrobot I've heard of that. I will check it out. Thanks!
4y, 9w 1 reply
4y, 9w reply