Runlevelrobot Anybody know of any frameworks for blogging that allows for text based only blogs? I really love this
🤔 David Are you wanting an available WYSIWYG? Or are you fine with writing things up in Markdown and then rendering them?
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Runlevelrobot I am ok with writing them up in markdown
🤔 David If you like tinkering around with things, I definitely suggest trying your hand at creating your own SSG using some tools such as next.js or sapper from That's what I'm doing with my own blog. Like mentioned, is powerful when combined with any framework that can output SSG stuff. Now if you don't want to tinker as much and want premade themes then Jekyll and Gatsby are great for that.
4y, 9w 1 reply
🌌 Tom I can't reply again to the original post, but a while ago I built a very basic markdown-based SSG, which sounds like what you're looking for. feel free to check it out!
4y, 9w reply